Thursday, April 23, 2009

Isaiah 48:17

It's really AWESOME to see how God presents things in life.

I just had a huge mental anxiety fit about not doing enough for revision and not being able to do well. Justifiable, since I've been watching quite a bit of TV. And waking up really late everyday. Tried to pray to calm myself down, but I think some evil thingy tried to put me down.

But anyway. Got myself to pray seriously, with head bowed down and sitting in a respectful way. It really does put you into the right state of mind. To be humble before Him, as a child.

I know it may sound all-too-spiritual. But it's amazing how things worked out.
I prayed, and I asked for:
A sign
More faith
People to be able to see Him through me (like, me, a silly blah, and I could still get pretty decent grades. Honestly, I got really pretty decent grades this semester. For tests and all.)

Less than a minute later, I read this email (from Prime Time With God). And it talked about faith. About how God uses the weak to shame the strong. About how we should take leaps of faith and trust that whatever He tells us to do is for the best. And the Isaiah 48:17 verse.

I think I sound crazy. But it's honestly a faith booster. You, the reader, may not even understand what the heck I'm talking about. I just pray and hope that really soon, you'll experience something so magnificent that you'll actually know what it feels like.

Then you'll know that my God is real.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Another thing that got me excited about the trip!

The service apartments peeps replied. WOOOOO.
I'm pumped! Ready to pack up and GO!

Then again. Looking at the construction technology textbook beside me.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank You for being You.

Simple yet powerful.
God is wonderful. :)

Today at youth service, I found myself behaving differently on-stage. I would NEVER act the way I did with 80 people looking at me. Gosh. Totally God's work man. And I started blabbering some blabberish at the end. Speaking in tongues. At a rapid speed. Wasn't even sure what I said. But hey, if God was around, that's the most important thing. :)

My arm's skin problem is returning to haunt me yet again. But heck. Not going to let it affect me this time.

As much as I look forward to the holidays and all, I really hope I do well for the semester. The semester started out great, got a lil slip-up when I fell sick, then the momentum got going again. And I'm doing pretty well I think. Just really hoping and praying that I'll work harder these 2 weeks before the exams.

I've already come up with a list of to-dos for the holidays. Haha!
  1. Hopefully get the research project job and/or internship for some refurbishment green project and earn more ka-ching for my holidays to Australia and possibly to Bintan.
  2. Play more squash. Exercise more, to be general.
  3. Plan a CG retreat. :):):):):):) Excites.
  4. Get more sleep.
  5. Have salmon sashimi party with the peeps from TWW. It's been ages since I've seen them.
  6. Write a song or two. And start reading the Songs of God book.
Exciting summer ahead. :):):) WOOHOO!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm back!

Not that I went anywhere.
But life's been rather hectic. And tiring. But exciting. :) Haha.

Anyway, the CSmusic guys have posted the music videos of the showcase on youtube and the csmucic website. Go check it out!

School's crazy and stressful and tiring. I can't wait for the summer holidays to start. Which is in about 3-4 weeks I think. Awesome.

Many many many many many many things happened over the past couple of weeks.
Loads of good stuff. A pretty load of bad stuff too. But heck. I can see God's protection and guidance. He assured me that I'll do okay this semester. Now I just got to put my focus and discipline on revision. After all the stupid deadlines are over. Haha.