Monday, June 30, 2008

First pit-stop: Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort @ Moreton Island.

Humpback whales.
Bottle-nosed dolphins.
Big fat old cute turtles.
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
Beaches with sand that is cold because of the natural water spring underground.
Quad biking.
Fattening and huge servings of food.
Sleep by 10 pm because everything closes at 9.

The last few points seem a lil sad; like the resort has no life. But the people here are really friendly. We Asians really have no sense of humour, and human-contact friendliness. But really can't blame us entirely. There're still Caucasians who think they're better. And they believe (from Hollywod movies maybe) that Asians are evil people who'll abduct their kids for the fun of it.

But nonetheless, the resort stay was pretty cool. It'll be on my honeymoon itinerary. For now.

The first evening in the Resort, and I see this. OMG. Oh, there was a couple nearby who was making out. But I decided to exclude them in the picture. HA.

Friday, June 27, 2008

1 more day to Aussie.

OMG. The packing and preparation are blah.

But yeah, I shall hold no expectations for this trip. Other than the fact that the Hillsongs Conference is going to be AWESOMELY FANTASTICALLY exciting!!! Woohoo! :)

BUT SERIOUSLY, I hate the packing stage. Tsk. Darn irritating and frustrating. BLARH.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lil cute girl in a lil cute dress.

Seen you grow up since you were a meddlesome lil baby. It's amazing to see how you grew, in size and vanity. Oh, and not to mention, your ever-improving sound-box which never fails to fill granny's house with squeals and screams and whatsoever.

Can't wait to make fun of you when you grow older, with unglam pictures of yourself caught on my cam. Can't wait to see you stress about school and love.

Happy Birthday Rachel. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

God's will.

"I know, I haven't been the best-behaving girl lately. I asked for a break-up. But I did ask for Your consent. So that should be alright ya? It's Your will that things turned out this way."

Honestly, the whole God's will thing is very upsetting. I cannot understand any intention other than the motive of pressuring me to think that there's only 1 way out. Which is false. Cause I know God gives many many choices.

Whatever it is.
I'm a single. I've my rights. I've freedom to go out with anyone, and do whatever I want, within limits and morals (and whatever) of course. But still, the whole thought of being given "the benefit of the doubt" is (I'm sorry) disgustingly upsetting. What is that for? I don't need anyone to approve or disapprove my actions. Because in the first place, I don't owe you a justification or reason for anything I do. I only answer to God. And my parents.

Okay, now that I've puked everything out. Feel a lil better. Just needed to let off some steam. I can't believe this is happening. Ridiculous.

God help me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Photogenic hammie.

That's Jo's hammie. Was just looking thru random blogs. And there. Hammie's name's Prada. SO CUTE. If I do get a hamster, I'd want it to be as cam-whorish as Prada.

Then again, I tend to get really lazy. So getting a pet now's not a very good idea. Oh well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Starless sky tonight.

Quite a few things happened today.

I was running on adrenaline during Youth Service this morning. Or maybe it's the extra burst of strength bestowed on me from above. Whatever it is, I'm thankful for it.

Drank bubble tea, after weeks of deprivation of that, because of the Shanghai trip and Church camp and Worship night. Yup, I was bubble tea-deprived. For quite a while. Haha!

Got a kneecap injury during Netball practice with the guys playing against us. Hate open wounds on the legs. Bathing becomes a dread. But of course, I'll still bathe. Duh.

Had a sumptuous dinner with the folks and grams at Jumbo East Coast. ATE SUPER UBER DUPER MOTHER LOADS OF FOOD. Shiat. I feel fat. But the cereal prawns were awesome. Nuff' said.

Uncle Zen just fell into a coma. It feels quite surreal. But oh well. Praying for him and especially Joshua. Must be pretty hard on him. Sigh.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life's more peaceful now.

As compared to the earlier weekend.
Thank you God.

Now, there're other things to worry about.
1. Worship night - Practice, technical run, praying, fasting, repenting.
2. In-deep - Practice, practice, practice, new songs, new songs, new songs.
3. School - Sucky grades. REALLY sucky grades. If you read this, try not to ask me about my grades. Tends to bring my whole day to a complete downcast mood.
4. Ka-ching - Will I ever know how to save up?!?!?!?!??!?! Don't think so.

I just got addicted to Jason Mraz's Geek In The Pink. The whole combi of beats and stuff. Fun. My head never stops bobbing away when it plays continuously. HAHA.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Heart pain.

Ah well, he's right. Decision's been made. Time to just heal over time.

Sometimes I feel that maybe I was too rash. Oh well. As a consolation, I know that if we're meant to be together at the end of the day, God'll probably bring us around one full circle. If not, then this would turn out to be good for both of us.

I want to tell him that I'll miss the times we've had. The stupid funny stuff we did. Yada yada. But he's right. They're moot points.

Just can't wait for this whole horrifying nightmare thingy to end. ASAP. I want to talk to him again. And laugh at stupid stuff. As friends.

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's over.

One horrigible conversation.

Started a lil well, ended off on a very. Very. VEry. VERy. VERY bad note.

It's done. Too ugly a scene to take it for granted.

Finally. Singaporean food.

Shanghai trip & Church camp are over.
Finally can settle down for a bit before end this month.
Amazing how these 2 weeks turned out.

Dear God, please just give me an answer. Like, now. Or at least soon enough.