Sunday, June 15, 2008

Starless sky tonight.

Quite a few things happened today.

I was running on adrenaline during Youth Service this morning. Or maybe it's the extra burst of strength bestowed on me from above. Whatever it is, I'm thankful for it.

Drank bubble tea, after weeks of deprivation of that, because of the Shanghai trip and Church camp and Worship night. Yup, I was bubble tea-deprived. For quite a while. Haha!

Got a kneecap injury during Netball practice with the guys playing against us. Hate open wounds on the legs. Bathing becomes a dread. But of course, I'll still bathe. Duh.

Had a sumptuous dinner with the folks and grams at Jumbo East Coast. ATE SUPER UBER DUPER MOTHER LOADS OF FOOD. Shiat. I feel fat. But the cereal prawns were awesome. Nuff' said.

Uncle Zen just fell into a coma. It feels quite surreal. But oh well. Praying for him and especially Joshua. Must be pretty hard on him. Sigh.