Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life's more peaceful now.

As compared to the earlier weekend.
Thank you God.

Now, there're other things to worry about.
1. Worship night - Practice, technical run, praying, fasting, repenting.
2. In-deep - Practice, practice, practice, new songs, new songs, new songs.
3. School - Sucky grades. REALLY sucky grades. If you read this, try not to ask me about my grades. Tends to bring my whole day to a complete downcast mood.
4. Ka-ching - Will I ever know how to save up?!?!?!?!??!?! Don't think so.

I just got addicted to Jason Mraz's Geek In The Pink. The whole combi of beats and stuff. Fun. My head never stops bobbing away when it plays continuously. HAHA.