Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Gonna be out in a few hours. I'm scared. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

I wished I brought a camera to meet Liting and the rest earlier.
Man was it fun. Haha. Got high on lemon tea, while the rest beer-ed. Felt like a kid who's not allowed to drink. :)

Now I don't know when I should just stop abstaining from alcohol. Want to ask God for a sign. But I don't even know if I should do that.

Resolution no. 1 for 2009. Finish reading the Mike Pilavachi book.
Resolution no. 2. Save up for Down Under trip. (This is the do or die resolution.)

More to come. I think. :)

Another fantabulously good guy got snagged (is that the word?). Conan is attached. Oh my gawd. Not that it's a surprise; he has a fan club. But anyway, happeeeee for you Conan. :):):)