Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let go and let God.

How hard it is to do that really.
I cannot stand the possibility of not being able to go learn more at the conference.
I've put in so much effort to plan beforehand.
And I will do anything (morally upright) to go.

But yes, God's right. Honour your parents.
BUT I still hope somehow God speaks to them and make them wake up their idea.

Anyway. I just realised Joey's back in Melbourne. I didn't even meet up with her for lunch. :(:(:( I feel bad. Sorry Joey.

And recess week didn't feel like a recess week. No break. Just project meetings and work and more project meetings. I seriously hope I do well this semester. Despite the slight hiccup (the period of sickness). Man, I was getting the momentum. Now I gotta start the engine running again.

Supper at Blk 85 was gooooooood. But I think I should stop supper-ing before I start putting on weight again. Haha!