Saturday, May 24, 2008

One day away.

To being free of her whines and rash tantrums.
For a week only.
Well, better than nothing.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Abandon's the word.

This devotion book I'm doing is SUPER DUPER UBER accurate. Not that it's scary. It's just that feeling of, "HWAH!" or like, "DAMN.".

Commonsense carefulness in life = Unbelief

As much as it sounds harsh, I guess it makes sense. BUT. It's still hard to swallow.
Especially when the mother makes it so hard most of the time.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rehearsals, screw-ups, conflicts.

Rehearsals were fun but messy.
Loads of screw-ups, like the synthesizer that keeps going off-tune every few minutes.
Motherloads of bitching and fun bantering.

Theatre is really quite exciting. If only I was more talented in acting. Or even singing.
Then again, I'd rather work and boss people around to do work in an industry like, architecture, building. Or something.

Red alert.
Dear Lord, just help me overcome this. I need to get this over and done with.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My online shopping stuff's FINALLY here.

Now all that I'm worried about is the production ka-ching. Tsk. Stewpid.

But yeah, super duper uber happy my stuff's here. After 2 weeks. Haha.
Pretty worth it. The quality's so much better than the normal quality you see in the Forever21 outlets.

5 days!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Apple of His eye.

Beautiful song. (Though a lil wordy --> Musicians tend to be a lil bit more anal. Heh.)

But nonetheless. Touching song. Sigh.

And the chord progression. HAHAHAHA! Sounds familiar. Think I used it for one of my songs. Darn. Scrap that song... NOT.


They're going to be shiok-dedly awesome.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Cut my hair.

It's short. REALLY short. But it's nice. I think.


But the hairwash was SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice. OMG. It's like a combination of hairwash cum head massage cum shoulder massage.

Omigosh. I think I'll go there again. Soon. HAHAHAHAHA.

The stewpid ka-ching from the production's not in yet. Lousy admin. Haha!

Fuzz. Fuzz.

And I thought of a fantastic name for a girl. Thought of it this morning. But I've no memory of it right now. Darn. Ah well.

Just ate an omelette.

Super shiok-ded.

Can't wait for the haircut later. Yippee...

Counting down. 9 days. Heh.

And the stewpid Kermit shirt's back up on the shelves again. Darn it. Tsk.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Empty thursday.

I've no plans. Except one tuition.

Thankfully. Am meeting Jia Hui on Friday for lunch and haircut (FINALLY.) at Holland V. Yay! Hopefully the people there are good. Jia Hui was complaining about Supercuts @ Far East. So I guess the Holland V people should be better. Exciting...

Today felt a lil shitty-fied. Firstly because of the gloomy weather, although it was very cool and shiok. Secondly because of the mother. Amazing how damaging parents can be. Sigh. And I've to spend a week in Australia with her before the Hillsongs Conference. Great.

It was Ron's birthday. Finally went to Simpang for food. Haven't been there for what, 2 months. Glad I went, although did feel a lil sick. Nice hanging out with them again.

Hopefully it doesn't rain later in the morning. Wanna hit the gym/track/pool, depending on my mood. HA.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Need to pray.

It's been a horrible night despite good comforting company. Sigh. Ah well.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bad hair day.

Every single time I wanna cut my hair, something HAS to pop out of nowhere. Tsk.

Thank goodness for econs.
Calculating opportunity cost does benefit lives.
At least I didn't spend money on cabfare. And it appeased my grandma, because I stayed behind to get the Bedok Town Council number for her. And, I had to eat a bit of her lunch, although I've a lunch buffet coming up. Darn. Fat fat fat fat fat fat.

And. My YMLC leader's friend found the HIPPIE BAG. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First band prac for the production trip today. Hope it goes well. We haven't jammed with one another for AGES. Alright, maybe about a month or so. But it feels like a year. Exams seem to have lasted over a year or something.

I need to find a new hairstyle. My current one is getting a bit too 'pom'-ish.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

OMG! This is A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

After finalising the songs for Youth service today, the next email I read was like, some update on the production trip.

No more clashes with the Church Camp! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now I feel a heck lot better. Cause at least I know He's still around, and He's pleased with the chill-out session planned out for this week's service. Awesome awesome awesome!

2 nightmares in a row.

In one morning. Damn.

And it is RAINING = no running. no tanning. no motivation to go out and get my hair cut.

Yup, I'm the calculative one.

Obviously you're not listening. Who cares if you want to do multiple gazillion things at one time while talking. Whatever I was referring to wasn't even about that. You just can't hear me. Cause you just jump over whatever I just told you and talk about something else unrelated to the topic. With a straight face. Amazing ability I must say.

Papers are over. Had a good time chilling out and just staying away from books after the last paper. Had Kway Chap in the morning after bumming around in ECP. Which was totally refreshing. It felt weirdly healthy, as in the KC.
Today was horribly busy with many matters and concerns.
Shanghai production trip clashed with Church camp.
One of my tuitions stopped because of holidays.
Worship-leading this Sunday and I've yet to come up with anything.

At least now I know that whenever we talk, you definitely don't remember for a single second what I said. Being blur isn't cute all the time. It gets rather irritating especially on skype, fyi.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just 1 more day.

OMG OMG OMG. It's finally here. One freakin day left.

Can't wait!!!

Not that I'm going to let loose my crasiness. But yeah. It'd feel good to be busy with stuff other than school work for now.

Pity I can't work this holidays. Except for tuition. At least still got ka-ching coming in. Yeah!

Okay. Back to revision.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hippie. Or is it Hippy.

But I don't even know the NAME of this bag. Only know it's from Heritage. Dang.

Ah well.

3 PAPERS DOWN!!! Woohoo.
2 more to go this Tuesday.
Oh gosh. I really wonder what I'm going to do after exams are done. I'll be a lil broke-ded. Cause of tonight's online shopping. GEE.

Oh yeah. Production ka-ching. WAHAHAHA!
And the GST thingy. Yay.
Then again. I need to save money for the production trip (IF there's one) and the Aussie trip and road trip (IF there's no production trip). So tentative. Blah. I hate tentative.

Fingers crossed, Aussie trip will be fully covered by Mom. Muahahahahahahaha.
I hardly think so actually. Ah well. It's good to be optimistic sometimes. :)

Finally. I've gotten my voice back. It's still a lil rough, but heck. Really freaked out the past 2 days. Thought I was going to lose my voice for good. For the first time in my entire life, I lost the ability to talk. Like, I was paralysed. Not in a physical form. But mentally, it's tormenting. For once I actually missed my shrill and irritating voice. I'm just glad that I don't sound like a squealing duck anymore. That was really horrible.

Thank you God.

I think I'm a horrible gift-thinker. Like, I can't think of FANTASTIC gifts for people. Screwed up Maeyan's one (Eugene and her mom didn't like it), couldn't even think of a present in time for Sam's birthday (oh well.). And now. I've Fabian and Mom to think about. Tsk. 8 more days to figure out something.