Friday, May 2, 2008

Hippie. Or is it Hippy.

But I don't even know the NAME of this bag. Only know it's from Heritage. Dang.

Ah well.

3 PAPERS DOWN!!! Woohoo.
2 more to go this Tuesday.
Oh gosh. I really wonder what I'm going to do after exams are done. I'll be a lil broke-ded. Cause of tonight's online shopping. GEE.

Oh yeah. Production ka-ching. WAHAHAHA!
And the GST thingy. Yay.
Then again. I need to save money for the production trip (IF there's one) and the Aussie trip and road trip (IF there's no production trip). So tentative. Blah. I hate tentative.

Fingers crossed, Aussie trip will be fully covered by Mom. Muahahahahahahaha.
I hardly think so actually. Ah well. It's good to be optimistic sometimes. :)

Finally. I've gotten my voice back. It's still a lil rough, but heck. Really freaked out the past 2 days. Thought I was going to lose my voice for good. For the first time in my entire life, I lost the ability to talk. Like, I was paralysed. Not in a physical form. But mentally, it's tormenting. For once I actually missed my shrill and irritating voice. I'm just glad that I don't sound like a squealing duck anymore. That was really horrible.

Thank you God.

I think I'm a horrible gift-thinker. Like, I can't think of FANTASTIC gifts for people. Screwed up Maeyan's one (Eugene and her mom didn't like it), couldn't even think of a present in time for Sam's birthday (oh well.). And now. I've Fabian and Mom to think about. Tsk. 8 more days to figure out something.