Friday, August 29, 2008


Thanks to Jasper's wise advice, having Picasa now is like. A blessing.
Wonder how Jiao Per's doing now anyway. Haha.

Looking through the pictures I took in Australia just makes me want to get my ass back there again. Haha. Yes, Jon has proven his point. I'm missing Australia. Not for the weather. But for the fun and shopping. I think it'll be more fun next year; going with a different crowd. Hehe. OMG. JUNE.

Birthday celebration was good. Food was good. Company was good. Management from there was a lil screwed up though. The amount of food they thought would fill 20 people was pathetic. Had to do several refills for each dish.

On one hand I felt like, "Yeah, they're doing business. Gotta earn a profit." But on the other hand, it's kinda like, "Have you really filled 20 people with just that amount of food?!?! DAMN. They must be damn shy, probably don't dare to go up to the food table to get a proper first helping. "

Imagine my shock when less than 10 people went to get their food and about 3 dishes were emptied. Oh well. They did give a voucher at the end of the day. But still, I felt a lil down, cause the servings were disappointing.
Their defense statements made me more upset:
"But this is not a buffet..."
"We don't have the economies of scale to be able to feed them fully..."
"We've fed more people and they could even 'da-bao' some home."
RIGHT. Contradictory statements.
I actually had to put up with the debating for 2-3 hours before the night ended. When Stef said, "Bring it up as a case.", I almost died. Gosh. It's my birthday; for once, less drama in my life please.

Conclusion: Place is good for ala-carte. Food's good. But party-wise, with that kinda money, you should probably go to some other place more established. Either that or you have a really good debator/hard-ass person to liaise with them to make sure the food proportions are right. HAHA.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sorry is never enough.

Time to take action.

What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

That is and will be the only song that can make me cry while walking (alone) in Clark Quay.
In the midst of the song, I was walking through an underpass tunnel and caught sight of a middle-aged man playing his guitar, trying to earn some money by performing. Got reminded of one of the videos I watched during the conference. Taking out money was a norm, but the rush of emotions was completely different. The smile the man gave was just warmth and love. No words can describe that. It's just there. You feel it, but people won't understand what you're talking about until they experience it themselves.

There is still love in this world. And we have to start showing that it still exists. Not just with the friends and familiar faces around us. But with the strangers, the foreigners, the loners, the weak, the poor, the frail, the broken.
Love someone new each day. That'll be my new mission. Amongst other ambitious goals. :) Awesome.

Friday, August 22, 2008

2 tuitions cancelled.

Slacking off right now. Did some work here and there. Sent emails etc etc. Finally decided what to do on Tuesday. Gosh. Forgot about the arrangement until Liting reminded me.

Went to Jazz @ Southbridge twice in the last few days. I can't seem to just relax and chill. Maybe it's the acoustics. It was a tad too loud for me. I prefer smooth and slow and not-too-loud jazz. But it seemed like the rest of them were enjoying themselves. So I didn't say anything. Ah well.

Dad's touching down tonight. And no surprise, Mom's pretty excited about it; asked me to do something which she wouldn't ask me to do on a normal basis. I guess it's quite exciting, at least this time we'll get a ride home. Wonder if he's bringing any mangos back. Cause usually he'll bring back a whole box of em. And they're all magnificently S.W.E.E.T. and fresh.

School's been quite bearable, thankfully. Just played badminton on tuesday at the sports centre. Gosh. I never knew the booking was so easy and free-of-charge, until a year of studying there. Oh well, it's never too late. :) At least there's an easier way of working out, instead of just running. Running can be really dreaful sometimes. Blagh. But now my right butt hurts. For some odd reason.

Will be turning 21 next week. How exciting! Not that alot of things are going to change, like how it happens in the U.S. People at 21 in Singapore will still be hen-pecked, or more specifically, I'll still be governed by my mom. Like after the Hillsongs Conf, she seemed nicer. BUT, when she has her random PMS or menopause tempers, she'll flare up over no reason, and say really brainless, thoughtless and hurtful stuff. Which doesn't really reflect much on her positive change. At least I didn't rebutt back the last time round. And she just shut up after a bit. But she didn't apologise. Never mentioned about that incident again. I can get over it, but it'll be really pissing-off if she does it regularly and expects me to just take it all in.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I feel hungry.

And I feel grumpy.


School's going pretty alright so far. The school-mood still hasn't set in though. Feel so slack. And nua.

What's there to do for 4 hours in NUS.

1. Work out at the gym - Old equipment, lousy ventilation. OUT.
2. Study at the library - Nothing much to study for now. So staying in the library for 4 hours isn't really a good option. OUT.

Wow. School is boring. Oh heck. Guess I'll go home. And play with Muffin.

OOOOH. Daphne's in school. Finally. I see hope.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school.

And it didn't really start well.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Got snapped at for not calling back.

Jumping to conclusions are the No. 1 killer to cause miscomm.
But ohwell, it's tiring trying to explain that I've tuition and yada yada.
I'm the bad guy at the end of the day.

WOOHOO. Major self-pity.

Feel like an immature childish little girl. BLARGH.

Alright, snapping out of it.

Time to get my arse back onto the piano seat tomorrow. Need to focus.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Hammie's here!

Fiesty lil one though. A bit blargh. But oh well. At least it's a cute lil grey-ish brown one. Just that it has red eyes; it's supposedly fiercer or something.

Check out the extremely colourful cage I got for it.

Awesome la. So colourful. I like. And the cage's primary home-spot's on my piano. But it'll probably stay out in the living room more. With my grandma. When I'm not around. Which is gonna happen very often when school starts.

Just tried putting Muffin into the hamster ball. Gosh. Super active hamster la. Will take a picture next time. When I'm less afraid of it. The red eyes really scared me for quite a while.

Youth service was gooood today. In my opinion. Can't wait to see other changes. Awesome stuff.