Monday, August 4, 2008


Hammie's here!

Fiesty lil one though. A bit blargh. But oh well. At least it's a cute lil grey-ish brown one. Just that it has red eyes; it's supposedly fiercer or something.

Check out the extremely colourful cage I got for it.

Awesome la. So colourful. I like. And the cage's primary home-spot's on my piano. But it'll probably stay out in the living room more. With my grandma. When I'm not around. Which is gonna happen very often when school starts.

Just tried putting Muffin into the hamster ball. Gosh. Super active hamster la. Will take a picture next time. When I'm less afraid of it. The red eyes really scared me for quite a while.

Youth service was gooood today. In my opinion. Can't wait to see other changes. Awesome stuff.