Friday, August 22, 2008

2 tuitions cancelled.

Slacking off right now. Did some work here and there. Sent emails etc etc. Finally decided what to do on Tuesday. Gosh. Forgot about the arrangement until Liting reminded me.

Went to Jazz @ Southbridge twice in the last few days. I can't seem to just relax and chill. Maybe it's the acoustics. It was a tad too loud for me. I prefer smooth and slow and not-too-loud jazz. But it seemed like the rest of them were enjoying themselves. So I didn't say anything. Ah well.

Dad's touching down tonight. And no surprise, Mom's pretty excited about it; asked me to do something which she wouldn't ask me to do on a normal basis. I guess it's quite exciting, at least this time we'll get a ride home. Wonder if he's bringing any mangos back. Cause usually he'll bring back a whole box of em. And they're all magnificently S.W.E.E.T. and fresh.

School's been quite bearable, thankfully. Just played badminton on tuesday at the sports centre. Gosh. I never knew the booking was so easy and free-of-charge, until a year of studying there. Oh well, it's never too late. :) At least there's an easier way of working out, instead of just running. Running can be really dreaful sometimes. Blagh. But now my right butt hurts. For some odd reason.

Will be turning 21 next week. How exciting! Not that alot of things are going to change, like how it happens in the U.S. People at 21 in Singapore will still be hen-pecked, or more specifically, I'll still be governed by my mom. Like after the Hillsongs Conf, she seemed nicer. BUT, when she has her random PMS or menopause tempers, she'll flare up over no reason, and say really brainless, thoughtless and hurtful stuff. Which doesn't really reflect much on her positive change. At least I didn't rebutt back the last time round. And she just shut up after a bit. But she didn't apologise. Never mentioned about that incident again. I can get over it, but it'll be really pissing-off if she does it regularly and expects me to just take it all in.