Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What ifs.

Just read this email Joella forwarded to me. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Joella around in church.

Anyway, like everyone else, I don't really have the habit of reading forwarded emails. But the title kinda captured my attention for a bit.

Cellphone VS. The Bible

Interesting insight. And thank God that my Bible is in my bag. Not that it makes me feel holier than thou. I haven't been faithfully reading the Bible, that I must admit.

Anyhoo. Today during the 4-hrs break, we had lunch with the folks. They're awesomely nice. I'm just glad that they don't act awkward with me around. Maybe it's because they're used to it already. Which is an awesomely awesome sign. :)

Alrightey, back to schoolwork. Got 2 structural concrete books to read to prep for my lab report.
And my eczema's acting up really badly again. Maybe it's a sign for me to go to the National Skin Centre or sth. Sigh. But it's so far... Darn.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

No more shopping spree.

Just realised how much time I've left till next June. It seems far, but it's less than 8 months away. And... I haven't saved 1/8 of the money. Oh shiat.

Yup, no more shopping or splurging. What have I splurged on anyway?! Oh right. Cabs and food. Okie, time to take public transport more often and eat less. Dang.

Anyhoo. Mid-sem break's over. Not like it was a break anyway. But. School's in. Ugh. So much work, so little time.

Motherloads of projects too.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Major soft spot.

For my dear lil muffin. Felt so guilty when I saw it bathing in the old sand earlier.
I love you muffin. Even though you're major aggressive and you pee almost everywhere you go. :)

Mid-sem break doesn't feel like a break right now. But I'm just lucky there's no mid-sem test for me this time. Thank You God.
I think maybe I've the load of multiple projects to make up for it.

I'm just looking forward to a shopping spree really soon. Hopefully. :):):)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Rough week.
Rough nights.

'Nuff said.
Luckily I'm not Jewish. My 'new' week starts on Mondays, not Sundays.
Now I fully understand why I absolutely dread being home early, especially on Sundays.
Getting financial assistance from my parents is like. Snatching a crocodile's food from its mouth. Haha.

And I'm tuitioning because my so-called pocket money (I'm calling it token money from now on) is pathetically the bare minimum. Not to mention the fact that I have to save up for next year since I'm not going to be financed to go to Australia. But they're scolding me for not giving them 'parent-money'. It'll be because of them that I don't believe in 'parent-money'. Gosh. Are they bloodsuckers or what? I'm just wondering now, if they're so into the ka-ching, why even bother revamping my room. Might as well keep the money to themselves no? Like seriously, they are so unpredictably temperamental.

What a great family I have.
I'm still gonna thank God for them. My ability to ignore stupid people has drastically improved. And my urge to move out asap has grown yet again. That will be called independence.
God help me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1 presentation down.

2 to go.

2 1/2 hours of sleep. OMG. I'm amazed that I'm still alive and attentive during lessons.

And I think I just had food poisoning. Again.
BUT, honestly, the indian rojak & nasi bryani at simpang bedok are SUPER NICE. Either that or I was just really hungry.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Still awake.

Oddly enough.
Was just reading the bible. Didn't understand some parts which I read. Sigh. I totally need to up that aspect. Like, the growth is lop-sided. Ah well.

Realised I've 3 presentations up next week. New record. And all are counted in my CA. Hopefully I'll smile more and inject humour into my speech. Yup. Professional Communication teacher said I'm shy around strangers; I need to smile more. Language and professionalism don't make up for the lack of friendliness. Big lesson I learnt this week.

But anyway, I feel motivated to study the law module now. Seems quite interesting, other than the troublesome part of having to find loads of past cases (Early 1800s to the 1900s) for the sake of references during my end-semester open-book examination.

Ooh. It's 5 am. Damn. I needa sleep. Supposed to wake up early this morning, say about 9 to study and do some work before I slog it out at my tuitions later on in the day. Blah.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Now my study-room has the IKEA smell. Which I like. :)
Come to think of it... Right now, other than the piano, the rest of the furniture in my study room are from IKEA.

Study-room's a lot more spacious now. I can actually fit 2 people sitting on the floor between the BRAND-new white shelf thingy and the BRAND-new cool table. Now all I need for the floor is a cushion or a carpet. Hmmm. :)

OH OH. And I've new curtains up. Totally gives the privacy I need. They're transluctent white, so light still enters the room. YAY. I'm the kind of person who'll shut the windows and use the curtains to completely shut the external world away. I hate the thought of people staring at me from the block opposite. Heh.

The funny thing is the revamp was done wholly by Mom & Dad. When they're together, they tend to be nicer. Haha! Put them separately, things tend to get a lil messier. Oh well. Wonder when Dad's going back though.

But anyhoo. I hope the IKEA smell stays in my room for a while. Love it to bits. Not that I'm addicted to it. But it's always been the smell of homey-ness, for me that is.

Time to go back to IKEA! For meatballs and get a cushion or two. And maybe hopefully help Wayne revamp his room. His parents kindly cleared the side-yard (Is that what u call it?) for us to study at. But it's super humid there; paper gets "dum-dum" if left for a while there. Haha. BUT. It's the thought that counts.

Okay, lunch time. Then school.
Super looking forward to coming back home to my study room and start doing work. Feel super professional. HAHAHA. Okay, stupid.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

45 minutes flat.

I got my eyebrows plucked (in Place A) and got my express pedicure (in Place B) done.

Anyhoo. YMLC tmr!
Think it's my third time going for it. Hopefully it'll be fun. :)
The hotel seems quite pleasant.

I'll be missing church 2 weeks in a row, since I went to TPMC last week. Oh well. I miss the CMC people.

Been feeling rather sick in the stomach. Think it's the gastric flu returning. Blargh. Shall not let it affect me.

ANYWAY. It's Eugene's birthday today. Happy birthday! :)