Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What ifs.

Just read this email Joella forwarded to me. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Joella around in church.

Anyway, like everyone else, I don't really have the habit of reading forwarded emails. But the title kinda captured my attention for a bit.

Cellphone VS. The Bible

Interesting insight. And thank God that my Bible is in my bag. Not that it makes me feel holier than thou. I haven't been faithfully reading the Bible, that I must admit.

Anyhoo. Today during the 4-hrs break, we had lunch with the folks. They're awesomely nice. I'm just glad that they don't act awkward with me around. Maybe it's because they're used to it already. Which is an awesomely awesome sign. :)

Alrightey, back to schoolwork. Got 2 structural concrete books to read to prep for my lab report.
And my eczema's acting up really badly again. Maybe it's a sign for me to go to the National Skin Centre or sth. Sigh. But it's so far... Darn.