Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Alright, a lil late. But hey, it's the 6th of Jan. And we're 21 days away from CNY.

With all the chinese techno music going on everywhere, including westernised Cold Storage, it's hard to ignore that the whole period of red and ching-chang-chong is around the corner. CNY isn't so bad for me. I'm not forced to wear red. And my relatives don't ask me stupid questions, other than the "Did you put on weight?" question.

Recently, I helped out in baking the goodies this year. Aunt May sells treats like almond cookies and pineapple tarts. And they're pretty good.

Anyway. School's starting in a week. Pretty excited. Get the semester over and done with. Get good grades. Get ready for Australia. YAY. :):):):)