Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I just threw a bitchfit.

Yep, you see me whining alot, or like.. acting dumb or stuff like that.

BUT no one has ever seen me throw a bitchfit before (if I'm not wrong).

Alright. I feel alot calmer now actually. And somehow I feel like my heartstrings are tugging at me (there's such a word right - heartstrings???). Maybe I was over-reacting? I'll probably apologise to Kaw later. That's if he still wants to talk to me. AH WELL. I'm in hot soup, I think.

Argh. I don't know. I try to be reasonable most of the time, but I guess I couldn't really control my temper this time. It's quite annoying how sucky situations and life can get.

Oh well, that's life for you.

Crap, I still haven't decided what to cook/prepare for Sunday.
And I haven't decided on the songs for the retreat worship session.
Nothing else to worry about for now, I think. I've done my other work.
And yes, I'm going to start studying, like literally right now. Lots of reading to do.

Oh yeah, just had my FIRST french lecture today. COOL STUFF man!

Je m'appelle Diana.
Vous vous appelez comment?

Comment ca va?
Ca va bien, et vous?

Errrrr... What else did I learn?
There's this je, tu, il, elle, ils yada yada stuff, with conjugations etc.
Really interesting. And the french teacher's nice too. Well at least sth went well for me today.

And I met Claryance for lunch today. Macs... Yet again. I've never eaten so much Macs until I entered the uni man. Haha. Oh well, at least the main reason for eating at Macs is the benefit of eating in a cool air-conditioned place, considering the weather's been rather unpredictable. It can rain a thunderstorm in the morning, and can become really hot, scorch-ish and dry in the afternoon. Global warming?

We're going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH......
Alright, I think I just had a sugar boost or sth. Don't know why I'm so high now.