Sunday, August 5, 2007

Feelin' lousy

The only thing which I'm happy about right now is... Shiat. I don't know.

I'm feeling damn shitty right now.

And can I just say how much it sucks to have one of your girlfriends accusing you of ignoring her when she doesn't even contact you at all. Like, babe, I ALWAYS reply to people's sms-es, unless that person's like some perverted sicko. Sigh. Like, at least blame me for something which I really did wrong. How do I reply you when you don't sms me. Blooooody heck. Frak.

Oh yeah, I feel like a loser now. At this point of time, I feel like I suck at E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Oh yeah, Her majesty's having a cold war with me, because of what happened on Friday. =( My hope of asking her for a small amt of monthly allowance's got thrown out of the window. Maybe I should get another tuition. SIGH. BUT no time. Ugh. Shikes. As much as I like the independence, but it would really be nice if she offers to at least pay for my transport. Ah well. What can I expect. By the rate he's going, I don't even dare to wish for her to be financially generous with me.

Omg. There're some belly dancers performing on tv now. One of them's quite fat. But she still looks hot while doing the dance thingy. Impressive. Ah...

Bottomline. I feel like shiat now.