Sunday, February 3, 2008

I've only a hundred bucks.

To shop for my new year clothes, no thanks to mom.


For a person who only looks reasonably nice in certain types of clothes, this is pretty bad news. I don't look flattering in most types of clothing. OH WELL.

My dad just told me about this SQ pilot diet. Don't know if there's really such a thing. But oh well. No harm trying. The diet seems pretty interesting. Hopefully I can lose 10 kg in a month. HAHA! Or so my dad says.

Today the speaker talked about father's love, which kinda converged to forgiving people and letting go of hurts. So I guess this entry is a reply to my last entry. I need to forgive. And let go. And believe that God has planned something absolutely fantastically fabulously awesome, specially just for me. :)

Fung Jen just asked me about what I'm intending to work as after my studies finish (in 4 years).
HAHA. Well... I don't know. Here's what I will not work as:

Desk-bound job - I rather work and walk around most of the time in my power high-heels than to end up being some financial officer bound to a desk in a bank. You know, if you look just a lil closely, MOST of the CBD female workers have that horrigible waist problem. Like, when they wear high skirts, they have something protruding out. Gross. I don't EVER EVER want to be like that. Hmmm... That would mean... I can't be a marketing comms worker then.

Tai-tai - It sounds tempting initially. BUT, I think loads of husbands cheat on wives who end up as tai-tais. Oh well. My opinion. But anyhoo, I'd rather be a working wife. At least share the financial burden with my hubby. Or else he'll be so stressed with being the only breadwinner, then he'll end up becoming a wife-beater or sth, cause he thinks that maybe he has the right to.

Zoo-keeper - I like visiting the zoo. BUT, the smell. REALLY. Turns. Me. Off. No doubt I love the animals. They're all special in their own special way. :)

The only job prospect I can think of right now, is being a PR officer working in a hotel. Or in the IR sector. Or in some firm. Hmm... I need to widen my scope on the available jobs open to me in the real society. :)