Saturday, February 16, 2008

Now it's happening to me.

All those tv drama series stuff about family people dying from operations/cancer illnesses.

This time, I'm not the by-stander. S.A Tan has finally knocked on my door with that thing. Or so called, God decided that I should go through and experience this thingy. Not an exciting chapter of my life really.

And I thought FINALLY, this year was going to be a good one. Cause seriously, I've never had a good year. First was family politics on both sides, then comes the disappearance and the debts. Next was the re-appearance of family members from abroad. And now. This. On my 21st year. I'll never get it good I guess.

The thought of having both of them gone is just scary.

"If anything happens to us, just stand firm okay?"

I'm just surprised how calm I was when he told me about it. And she actually made him promise not to tell me.

Bottomline: I think my tolerance level is pretty high. Considering that I was made to go through it all.

Ah well. I don't even know what to say whenever I see them.
Everything just seems so uncertain now. I wish I could just not be human. Being an angel will be alot better. No family to worry about. Just have to follow orders and do stuff, according to the name given to me. Like the angel of death. Or the angel of childbirth. Yada yada.

As much as they can be a pain sometimes, I really hope they'll turn out fine.
I just want to have a wedding where they'll be present at, smiling and crying at the same time, you know, like in normal wedding scenes and all. I want him to walk me down the aisle and like, have a father-daughter dance during the dinner. I want her to be there happily crying cause she has finally gotten rid of her spoilt brat and passed her on to an unlucky man. And I want them to take care of my kids; I cannot stand a baby crying for more than five minutes. I haven't even learnt how to make certain dishes, like you know, recipes passed down from one generation to the next? I don't even know how to use the washing machine, for goodness' sake.

It's not too much to ask for, right?