Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thank God for Mid-sem break.

I didn't even know that we had a mid-sem break till my friend told me about it. Heh. Shows how much I check my IVLE modules' lesson plan stuff.

Finally, I tried to finish some work to lighten my workload so that I can focus a lil more on the revision. Haven't been able to do that for the past 2 weeks because of my stewpid sluggishness.

It took me a while to figure this out. But yes, it's time to work hard during the weekdays (Together with tuitions. Blah.) so that during the weekends, I don't have to worry so much about school. That's what Weitin and I concluded upon while we were walking to FASS.

In NUS, I think we've to walk a mother-long distance to anywhere and everywhere, not to mention squeeze into the stewpid shuttle buses with loads of smelly people during peak periods. Yes, we have peak periods. Every 2 hr interval in the day has a peak period of 10-15 minutes. HAHA. :) It sounds fun. But being squashed up against people you never want to be in the 100m radius of is sadistic. And stupid.

You know all those inconsiderate CBD workers who rush into trains despite knowing (I trust that they actually have the brains to figure this out.) people have to get out FIRST before they can enter? I bet a bulk of them came from NUS. And maybe NTU. And maybe SMU too. The worst kiasu behaviours can be seen in NUS itself, with people, guys and girls alike, trying to push one another aside just to try to squeeze themselves into the right position, which is the front of the bus door. The only reason why I'm so irritated with this now, is because I was pushed from being in the front of queue to the extreme back of it. FANTASTIC intellectuals.

Ah well. Maybe we need more shuttles? And smaller people around in NUS. Heh. That's why, I'm trying to lose weight myself. So I can squeeze myself into lil spaces people of an average large size cannot squeeze into. Like, in a shuttle, a small gap between two girls who probably hate each other, cause they just left this gap between them.

OMG. I'm talking so much crap here.
But yes. I'm trying to lose weight. Slap me if I eat any fried food in front of you.

Hmmm. I take back the last statement. I may eat some fried food, depending on the circumstances I'm in. :)