Thursday, November 20, 2008


McKey won ANTM.

I'm not usually a fan of the series. But this cycle's models were pretty good. And I love McKey. Boxer-girl's got some attitude going on.

Anyway, today started off really badly, with the fact that I had to sleep with a really bad stomach. Had like food poisoning. Prayed really hard... Till I dozed off. Thank You God. I feel like nothing's wrong today.

BUT. Some grades came back. Like my report. Which I slogged all the way for. Tutor's not too happy with the topic. BUT he initially loved it. ARGH. Fickle. And my other lap report. I passed. But it's not good, considering loads of other people scored higher than me. BLARGH. And I did put in effort. Like. Alot.

SIGH. Wayne and I concluded that marks aren't everything. At least we've still God around to back us up. Which is very true. Honestly I can't imagine what'd happen if I didn't have this relationship with God. So yup, it was a good wake-up call. I just can't wait for exams to be over and done with. So I can start doing some real work. Like. Designing a room. And tutor (ka-ching). And of course, prepare CHRISTMAS. :):):):) The nicest festival of the year.

Okay, bedtime. 1st exam tomorrow's at 9 am.