Friday, June 26, 2009

I asked God for a swimming pool.

In my future dream house's backyard, or something like that. Sure, it sounds rather far-fetched. But He did say I'll get it if I worked hard enough. HAHA.

But anyway, it feels so much nicer to be able to just swim every afternoon and laze around in my own backyard's pool. As compared to the sick feeling in the stomach I get earlier after some laps, and having to take a bus to and fro. And the whole thing about sharing the pool. I feel rather competitive, even though I'm not that a good swimmer now. It's idiotic having to share a lane with this fat ang moh who splashes around like a big fat duck; he's supposedly doing free-style. He's still pretty fast, despite the huge waves of splash.

The walk home was slightly less painful, thanks to my ipod. But because I couldn't wait for my wet suit to dry off, I walked home in a wet shirt and wet fbt shorts. I know, gross right. But that was how much I wanted to get home and sit down and slack off.

I hope my ipod never dies. :)