Monday, April 23, 2007

Busy busy weekend

As usual, I didn't get much rest during the weekend.

Thank God I still recovered from my bad cough. Coughing like I was choking on something the whole time was SO NOT glamorous... AND it's tiring.

Saturday was filled to the brim.

First I had this non-academic achievement interview @ NTU. Went there the week before for my selection test cum interview for Mass comm studies course. Took a cab down on both occasions. Haha. :)
Anyway, I waited for an hour, to be interviewed for 10 minutes. Quite retarded, but oh well, guess it was worth it. Three lecturers asked me question after question. They probably wanted to test if I could think on the spot. Don't ask me how, but I was trying to answer their questions without much "Uh..." and "Ah..." to the extent that I had to say that I had a pet which just died and that prompted me to contemplate volunteering @ SPCA. But it's true to some extent. I am contemplating to go to SPCA to help out... Once I'm free-er. :) Sigh... Busy me.

Overall, I guess the interview was pretty smooth. Fingers crossed for now.

Had to take the train ALL THE WAY from BOON LAY to TAMPINES after the interview.
Damn long trip man!!!! Shiat. What am I to do if my mom still insists that I can't stay at a hostel?! Yikes.
Anyway, back to the point.
Met mom and granny @ Tampines' Din Tai Fung for lunch. Honestly, I'm not a fan of xiao long baos. But because grumpy granny was craving for it, so I decided to not be such a bitch and just go along with their suggestion. SIGH. I feel so different from them. My whole family loves durians. I don't eat them unless I'm the hungriest person on earth. They absolutely adore kueh stuff. I don't even touch them. Feel like I'm not from the family. BUT THEN AGAIN, I look like my mom, as ALOT of people mentioned. OH WELL.

Walked around with them for a while, before I went off to meet up with Shawn for dinner @ Vivo. Sweet fella. Sigh. Too bad he's catholic. Even Mel thinks highly of him now.
BUT ANYWAY... (Shiat man, I keep going off-topic)
It wasn't time for dinner yet, so we went to Page One; that's one very cool bookstore. Shawn was going ga-ga over the interior design books, I was feasting my eyes on design books. Took a few snaps of the COLOR HARMONY LOGOS and THE ULTIMATE LOGO COLLECTION. Oooo...

Cool huh?!!!

We had dinner @ this extremely dim-lighted restaurant, called 2HOT (Halal by the way, pretty good food). It's so dim to the fact that the ambience doesn't have the romantic feeling. HAHA. Thank goodness for camera flash. :)

We were bored waiting for our food, so we decided to play around w candid shots. We're BOTH camera whores. Heh.

Love their lemon tea though. One of the nicest I had so far. ^_^

Oh oh. We had this chocolate pudding with vanilla ice cream at this sweet-looking cafe. They actually serve breakfast ALL DAY! That's damn cool. I'm a fan of scrambled eggs and sausages and pancakes etc etc. But since I was freakin' full from dinner (maybe I'm just trying to cut down. Wanna get rid of my lurve handles). If I was like... 48 plus kg right, I would LOVE to try all the cakes and pastries there!!! SO delicious-looking!

Hot AND cold combination's heavenly...

And it's not THAT sweet. Just nice. Sigh. Would love to go back there again to try it again! :)

THEN, after this whole cool dinner outing w Shawn, I went over to visit Darius. He had a fever. Sigh. Poor lil boy. Thankfully it subsided right before Pert, Jasper and Nate picked me up. :)

What I've just described is only Saturday's timeline. My weekends are even busier than weekdays. BUT I LOVE IT! Hanging out w friends and tiring myself out w them's definitely a million times more fun than working and being nice to idiotic people. UGH.