Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Restarting everything... AGAIN.

Forget about my previous blog. I somehow couldn't log into that account with the same username and password. So... I'm restarting everything AGAIN. This time, I'm not even going to bother about putting up a colourful blogskin yada yada. Looks simpler this way. Less hassle. :)

Anyway, life's been pretty alright. Lots of ups and downs.

Still single. I think. Haha. :)
Let's just say I'm not available.

Been hanging out ALOT with the new friends I met when I started work @ ACS (P). Like, Darius, Su, Garrett, Das & Priya of course. It's been fun. Sigh. Now that most of them already left for poly etc, I feel all alone again. Oh well. At least we did promise to meet up soon... For clubbing. HAHA!

I'm branded as THE ice bitch now, by some of my friends. But I mean, come on, at least I smile ALOT more these days! :) Sometimes i just can't help giving that du lan face, since it's been a bad habit of mine for the past decade. Haha. Yes, i'm turning 20 this year. SHIAT. Time flies. Almost 1/3 of my life just flashed past me. SCARY....

I seriously cannot wait for school to start!!! Just went for a selection test and interview last weekend @ NTU; I have to go there again for a non-academic achievement interview. It's so strange how NTU rejected my application straight out last year, and now they're giving me quite a bit of attention. Ah well, at least something's good happening for my university application. I'm more excited for NUS' reply though. Then again, I would be very tempted if NTU actually selects me for the Mass Comm degree. Pretty cool, cos that was what I wanted to do initially when I was younger.

I've been shopping alot. Spent lots of $$$ on transport (cabbie), food (splurge on restaurant food) etc etc. BUT FOR THE 1ST TIME, I didn't spend a single cent when I went clubbing with mel, teoxu, su, garrett, das, gary, pet and a few other people whose names I can't seem to rmb.. And oh, darius too. Just that he was a bit busy w his rugby friends. Ah well. But it was FUN!!!! Alright, if you were with us on that day, it was some sort of a mini drama series. Quite a bit of tension and drama. BUT, bottomline - it was FUN! The guys were getting a bit too horny though. Wahaha! Mel, you know what I mean. Naughty naughty... Heh.