Sunday, September 2, 2007


Went to funan on saturday with mom with the initial plan to get my lappy a cooler-fan. And I bought a new puma bag; it's a plain one. But it's a nice black sling bag for school. Coolio. It's just what I wanted actually. And yes, I got the cooler-fan. It's uber cool. Like, sleek black metallic curvy tray with 2 fans. I've a picture of half my desk. Check this out. =)

Alright, don't mind the wires. They're a bit messy... For now. And yes, don't mind the toys too. My 2 lil' cousins bought them for my birthday, so I'm sorta obliged to put them on my desk for awhile. They're kinda cute anyway. I was and still am a fan of the Disney chipmunks. So they're pretty alright. Lil' Rachel bought me that green tortoise-looking toy. Really sweet of her. So that's why they're on my study-table for now. I'll figure out where to put em another time. Oh yeah, I LOVE my garfield phone. It's been with us since we stayed at the fernwood terrace condo. That was... at least a good 5-7 years? Lotsa memories. Nice and not-so-nice memories. But oh well, they're still memories. Okay, I'm starting to rant away. Moving on...

That's the uber cool black 'tray' the lappy's resting on. I love it. I guess you tend to cherish things more when you dig money out from your own pocket to pay for them. Haha.

Anyway, looks like we won't be moving anywhere soon. Mom's friend gave her false information. Apparently the balloting for HDB houses was over AGES AGO. Ha.
Dammit. I was already like, starting to picture how my room will look like. SIGH...

Was hanging out Shawn, Earl, Nate & Celeste last night after band prac in church. We were reminiscing the old times; how faaaaaaat and tooty I was (still am fat, just not THAT fat. Not sure about tooty though. Ha.), how Nate and Simon and the whole buncha guys used to make Mel cry every Sunday during Sunday school without fail (That's been the fav choice of topic whenever we spoke of the past, not sure why. Haha. Poor mel.) yada yada yada.

Time really flies huh. Ever since I reached the 20 mark, I feel old. If only I could go back to the secondary school days; everything seems a whole lot simpler. Not that I mind being who I am now. I don't exactly love the way things have been turning out for me. But I don't hate them. Just living with life. And the most important thing is, I'm happily satisfied with whatever I have now. It just scares me though, what if one day, I just lose everything, one by one? Happened to me once when I was younger. It sorta happened to me again during the teenhood. So I guess I better prepare for another one. Haha.

Okay, feelin' emo. Better stop.