Thursday, March 13, 2008


It's embarrassing how you've to tell so many people that you've gone to the doctor cause of constipation. Man... First my IT project group. Next my theatre studies practical teacher. Lastly my course clique. HA HA HA. What a fulfilling day it is.

And I've to go take my weight and height (for record purposes) in front of everyone present at the clinic. They put the weight machine at this prominent spot. And I've to TELL the woman my weight. WAH LAU. How I wish I was anorexic just for that 1 minute. Hahahahaha.

Anyhoo. Back to dieting.

I've been fasting for the past weeks. Close to a month I think. But gradually or very occasionally, I tend to not recall or have in mind what I'm doing it for. I'll be thinking more of the number of hours left I've got. Sigh. Time to start over this whole thing.

It's amazing how you read a book years back, and when you read it again now, you'll be asking yourself, "Really?! I read all these and I don't remember a thing? Shiat. This sucks."

OKIE! New wishlist item!!! A vintage camera with my name on it! HAHAHA! Check it out.

Ooh ooh! And the bag too! So cute!

Can't wait to get the cammy. Then I can go around Singapore to take my PICTURES. Yippee-di-doo-da!

And yes, Singapore does have fabulous places to travel to and appreciate the vintage-ness of it all. Mel has shown me really cool places where she and Joe went in the past. Never really had the interest till recently. Digicams are getting too perfect. And digital. Haha. Human nature- We're never satisfied with anything we have or already accomplished.

Okay. Ray and Fabian aren't helping in my slip-ons options. Super confusing. HAHAHA! Havaianas OR Birkenstocks. ARGH. You know what. Thankfully Ray mentioned about Aussie. I'll just get the Havaianas from there. Yippee! I still feel sore over the whole incident of Ernest-buying-a-pair-for-me-but-the-size-fits-Mom-better. Damn man. HAHA. Oh well. Sucky things happen.