Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm window-shopping online again.

Not that I've anything in mind to get. I mean, I wanted this lil brown bag. But it'll be cheaper if I just bought it directly from the Singapore outlet.

OH. That MNG office style bag is up for grabs on eBay again. Fantastic!!!

I'm feeling exhausted. The comfy bed's just right beside me. But I feel unwilling to go to sleep. Despite the headache and body clock alarm going off. I think it's some kind of illness. Like, the unwilling-to-sleep disease. I don't know. Maybe it's just because I miss Fabian.

But his phone battery is flat. And he's only going to be back in Sheffield at 9 pm (UK timing). Hahahahahahaha. What can I say. My luck this week is horrendously down.

Anyhoo, the end of thursday is an extreme relief. I finally got the dialogue with that weird guy over and done with. I will just strangle myself if I've to work with him again for the official practical exam. Seriously. If Liting can say that he's weird, he's definitely out-of-this-world weird.

Thailand trip may be called off. Which is a lil disappointing. But oh well. It's like tentative. Neither here nor there. I hate this kinda middle-of-nowhere situation. It's so.... undecided. And I get kinda irritated by this kinda circumstances. However, because his mom said so, I will thus be at peace and be okay with it. Respect your elders, more so your boyfriend's parents.

I've been really bogged down about my appearance lately. Weight, to be specific. I have put on unnecessary mass. But the thing is, I've cut down so much, including supper and eating less. And I've only lost 2 miserable kg. I want to become anorexic. So I can lose all the fat I need to lose. And thus be less conscious of my weight and my body shape. Then at least people will stop making fun of me. And I'll stop making fun of myself for being fat. And I'd rather be made fun of just because I'm thin.


It's definitely not going to happen. Because firstly, I cannot not eat. I love sushi. And pizza. And salads. And pancakes. And scrambled eggs. Yada yada. And secondly, I know I'll get dumped immediately by you-know-who once I've symptoms of anorexia. Of all reasons to get dumped. Then again, I think that'll be a better reason than the cheating on either party reason.

So yup, there we have it. The conclusion. I will never become anorexic. And thus, I will remain this way forever more. Fat. Blah.

Unless I become uber rich in the near future when I start working and I'll go get a plastic surgeon to perform liposuction on me.

Ew. Gross.