Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm so sleepy.

I haven't slept all night. Was ironing out all the weird chords and stuff for WN. Finally got the final version out. And I only finished the work this morning at about 5. Yep. Call me NUTS. Sigh. At least I finished half the work I have to complete. Yay. *YAWN* Thank goodness there was Ellen Degeneras (or something like that) entertaining me.

Kinda figured if I did go sleep at 5, I'll probably wake up at like... 4 in the afternoon. But I can't. Got tuitions again. AND, I gotta go over to my aunt's place to print out some doc for school admin stuff BEFORE the tuitions. ARGH.
The BIG problem of NOT having freakin' always-available wireless at home AND a printer. Guess I'll have to bear the grunt till late august. Darn it. Ugh.

In order to survive the rest of the morning, I decided to watch a DVD movie- Down With Love. Funny sia. Love the ladies' wear... Nice to look at. But I definitely can't imagine myself wearing those kinda pinky pinky stuff. Like, there's only ONE dress which I can imagine myself wearing today without people staring at me as if I'm in the Legally Blonde movie.

The soundtrack seems cool though. :)
Ah well.


Officially 26 more days to my birthday. Woohoo.
Alright, that's only like... A quarter of many reasons why I'm happy today's Tuesday. HAHA.

Crap man. Now I feel like shiat. YAWN...

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm in love.

With Puma.
=) Haha.

They have the coolest shoes, and apparel.. And watches. Masculine and feminine.. In my opinion la. Haha.

Okie, maybe I'm just bored.
But yeah, cool stuff.

Boring Friday.

Exercised a bit for the last 2 days, think I'll rest tonight before netball practice tomorrow afternoon.
BUT, I'm super duper bored. Having nothing to do on a Friday night's quite sad. SIGH.

Anyway, I got my shirts! Yay. One cheerbear shirt (I called and still call it Rainbow bear; too many carebear names to rmb la.) and a lil' miss scatterbrain tee. Gee.. I feel loved. =)
Still need more shirts though. Need to stock up a bit since school's starting. Actually, I think I need more clothes in general. Haha. A girl's never satisfied with whatever she has. Heh.

AH, yes, school is FINALLY starting. I'm looking forward to it slightly; will be meeting new people and all. Just a bit worried about all the tuitions and church thingies clashing with school. Oh well, just see how things go. Hopefully I won't have to drop any of the tuitions. =/

OMG. Just checking out some pretty new stuff released out from Nike and Puma. Woohoo. A new birthday wishlist coming out. WAHAHAHA. Yeah right. Gotta be a lil more thrifty these days. Back to the poor broke-ded student status. SIGH.
Hmm. The collections must be pretty new. Cause I can't even get ANY information on that new pair of nike shoes. Damn it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Shikes man. Sigh.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Youth Sunday weekend

It was hell of a weekend man.
Family connexions - Crazy stuff. I felt like a slave that whole day. Was working all the way from morning till late evening, cause there was this recruitment drive preparations and band prac for Youth Sunday service. OMG. It's the craziest weekend I've had so far in my life... Not a bad thing la. The whole of last week really worked me out. No gym or jogging needed that whole week. HAHA.

Youth Sunday - Was too busy to even get excited over the whole Youth Sunday 'exhibition' at the coffee area. HAHA. Ah well. At least I still had some time to cam-whore with a few of the youths before moving on to the Worship Night prac after service. :) Yay.

I've no idea what they intend to express in this picture. But hey, they still look quite cute despite the funny faces.
Oh yeah, it was Kevin's birthday on Sunday. So someone got him a cake. HAHA. Poor guy. He ended up serving us the cake slices cause the rest of us were pretty busy with other stuff. Heh.
Alright, this picture was only intended to include the 3 greenies. But yes, our church people specialise in adding themselves into the pictures' backgrounds... And the pictures still turn out pretty well. Impressive.
I just added this picture in cause it just looked SO adorable... And heartwarming. HAHA.
Nuff' said. It was a good weekend.
Oh, I just went for a medical check-up. I am SHORT. The woman took like 2 seconds to measure my height. I swear, it's inaccurate. She's like shorter than me, and so she probably measured my height wrongly. Yeah. Haha. 163.5 cm???!!!! WTH. I used to be like... 164-5 can.
I made one new friend while waiting for my turn for some body examination. She wants to play tennis in uni too. And she's in FASS. YAY. Cool. But I can't recall her name. HAHAHAHA. What a loser I am. Oh well.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sloth-mode day.

I had tuition in the morning. So for the rest of the day, it's quite... Empty, for the FIRST time this whole week. Happy day it was.

Celery and I saw this really cute ring with a mini radio/stereo thingy on it. BUT, thanks to my snubby fingers, the only size left can't even fit my fourth finger. I'm alright with not being able to get it, really. There're other cute stuff around, just takes a lil effort to find em. BUT. I just realised for the very first time that my fingers are FAT. And I can't do anything about it. =( Ah well.

Family connexions props are sorta done. DAMN man. I'm never going to do props again. So troublesome. HAHA. It was fun though, wednesday night. Everyone was acting goofy; I guess we're all like hyperactive cause we stayed in church till like... 11 plus. Haha. A few black faces here and there, but I guess exhaustion was kicking in. I was bo chap already, just wanted to have some fun. It was a VERY loooooong day. First was buying materials with Yin Sian, Colin and Ray till 3 plus. Then I went to tutor from 4 to 7. THEN I went back to church to start work. Thank goodness Sam Tan turned up. Couldn't have done it without him, and the cantonese song. HAHA.
Bottomline: I learnt quite a bit actually. About people, and how to interact with the grumpiest people during the most frustrating time in my whole entire life. HAHAHAHA. Righto.

OMG. I just want this weekend to be over and done with.

Oh yay. YMLC's in Sept in Seremban... Somewhere in Malaysia I think. KEWL STUFF. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It's supposed to be a dreadful day, because firstly, it's the start of the week. Secondly, the morning started off pretty bad. And so I was a lil grumpy.


It turned out to be a significant day. Yay. Cool stuff. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Finally got a hair-cut.

Singapore's weather can be such a killer when your hair is long and thick.
I got the hairstylist to CHOP it. Haha. Not literally chop it. But yeah, it's ALOT thinner and shorter.

But I've a feeling it's gonna look like crap after a while. I just washed it, and it doesn't really look the same. HMMMM.


OMG. The weekend's actually gonna be over in like... less than an hour. SO FAST. Burnt weekend once again. But at least I had fun. =)

Turmoil ONCE again on my dad's side. Stupid people.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


How da heck does he owe people 30 freaking thousand dollars?!!! What's he thinking?!

That money's enough for me to pay for my full 4 years of uni fees. AND give me some extra to pull through a few months.


I seriously have NO idea what to do with him. Like, does he EVER think before doing anything.

I'm so upset now.

No chaos.

Thank goodness. But I am so tired.
Gee. I feel a little burnt out. I'm so glad at least the people in my team are earnest to help out. Yay. Daniel's talented man.

But now I'm broke. If only the church can just give me the budget money straight away instead of making me pay out from my own pocket first. SIGH. And I need to pay for my phone bill soon. OH NO...

And hopefully that korean uni student asks me to tutor her. Then, I'll be more financially-abled. Ah well.

I feel a bit nua now. Sigh...

Frustrated's the word.

Freak man. Seriously, Jingjing's right. Shit comes in lumps. Haha.

Literally lost my voice this morning. Had to trouble Shawn Y to do worship leading instead this Sunday. Well, at least the keys has a replacement - me. Earl's down with flu, Linda's playing for the other service, Amy's... busy? Sophil, Sean and Chermaine can't make it. What perfect timing eh. At least I can still talk. Gosh. Imagine not being able to even talk properly.

Ah... Pert just won a bit from his Poker game. Never understood Poker man. But yeah, bro, keep it up! Haha.

Went roller-blading with Jeremy this afternoon. I had a small fall, but seems like my kneecaps scraped against the ground qutie badly. Bottomline, I've 2 wounds on my kneecaps. UGLY. UGH. I'm just hoping I won't get any scars on my legs. Boohoohoo.

Jeremy wanted to catch Transformers again, so we went ALL the freakin' way down to Cineleisure. BUT, no more seats. WHAT THE HECK.
I'm like, VERY EXTREMELY down on my luck today.

At least I had my korean food tonight. Shiok man. Alright, it did make throat problem worse. But I had strepsils... And lots of green tea. Tea helps with sore throats, right? I don't know la, just crapping away here.

Shiat. I'm coughing pretty badly the whole day. The throat's like, itchy. Reminds me of that fisherman's friend sweet commercial. HAHA. GROSS!

Dreading Saturday. Loooooooooong day ahead. Chaos about to unfold. ARGH.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Interesting Wednesday indeed.

Many many many things happened on Wednesday.

Okay, maybe not alot of things. Just 2 la. HA HA.

I literally broke out in cold sweat for the 1st incident. Glad it's over. I can't believe the bimbo actually found it fun. OMG.

WELL... It was quite funny. Haha. But STILL. I love you la, seriously. HAHA.

Anyhoo. Went to Grace's place to drink. Our stupid aim was to try finishing the 1 litre Vodka Raspberry within the few hours we've left before the next day started. Choya was like, the appetiser. I switched to Green tea after Choya though. It tasted too medicinal. Yuck. To prove that I wasn't wasted, I actually remembered everything that happened last night. We were watching Trapped on Channel 5, then The Apprentice. Of course conversations are a lil vague. BUT, the fact that I could still go home in one piece without bumping into anything is evidence that I didn't get wasted. :)

We all took turns to take a few pictures here and there. Decided to censor some of them, because they're either too blur, or not appropriate for public view. HAHA.

This is the VERY beginning. We just settled for a while. So everyone still looks very sober and fresh. HAHA.

Only a few shots and Grace's face can camouflage with the red vodka bottle.
Grace's sista (Alison) took the picture for us. Lucas and Ah neh were pretending to go strong. I think we all were a lil tipsy by then.
Okay, no need for further explanation. I'm definitely not the last person standing.
I've NO idea when they took this. I was probably sleeping for awhile before we continued our shots.
Yep, that's the brief explanation of what happened. Before I wanted to take my last shot for the night, Ah neh accidentally broke my cup. Not long after, Lucas dropped his cup too. SO YES. We were all just camera-whore-ing and playing around. :) Check out the full collection of pictures at http://disnapshots.shutterfly.com/.
Oh gosh. Had to postpone roller-bladding to tmr. Have a slight hangover. SHIAT.
No more drinking recklessly, you guys. OKIE? :)
And yes, I still remember the one question you guys asked me. You ALL are VERY VERY important to me. I know I haven't been a very good friend for the past year or so. But yeah, I'll try to make it up to you guys gradually with time, k? I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The big camos.

Ya know those big cameras some pros like Jo and Chloe have? I think they make pictures alot more realistic yet nice. Like, any photo will look good through them. Maybe that's why people bear to spend thousands of dollars just to get one. I know Dad used to have a really good one too. But I can't find it. He probably brought it with him to Indonesia when he last left. Ah well. Wasted. Anyway, I'm putting up some photos from the snaps Jasper took during and after Passionart. Cool stuff man. Different lighting when the big camos are used. And the people in the picture look alot better. Like, more photogenic. Haha. :)

Ah yes, the highlight girl of the night. It was the 1st time I saw Nate, AND Pert, AND Jasper AND a few other guys go all gushy wushy about how hot the Mandy Moore-lookalike is. HA. HA. HA.
As I said before (can't remember when), Eugene's photogenic and adorable. As for Ron, well, he's just being himself. Lurve those 2 guys la. I actually miss the times when we would hang out at Siglap during the weekdays.
I've a feeling this was a candid shot. But anyhoo, it's Mel. She looks good in almost EVERY picture she's in. Modelle material what.
This isn't a candid shot. We were posing. But I've no idea what Nate was laughing at.
Doing the tweeze thingy never looked this good with a normal digicam.

Alright, conclusion: I must get a hold on my dad's camera. If I'm not wrong, it's a pretty vintage style. OMG. Then I can start acting like a pro photographer. But imagine having to lug that big humongous cam in a big humongous bag wherever I go. Damn.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I feel happy now.

Because I've done my work. ALL of them. YAY!

Alright, now, I've to go tutor. CRIKEY.

I kinda wish school doesn't start till later. Sigh. I NEED A VACATION AGAIN. Like, to Redang or something. Of course, going to Thailand will be THE BEST for now.

Mom mentioned something about her leaving during the National day holiday weekend to go see Dad. I don't mind meeting the other side of the family now. But, if I could actually afford going over to Indonesia, I know it sounds mean, but I would actually rather go overseas somewhere else, with someone else, or with a group of buddies.

Condo's sold, from what Mom said. Yay. Finally, that burden's gone. :)

Still awake.

It's 5 in the morning. And I'm still awake. OH GOSH. I'm gonna be such a grumpy bitch when I wake up later. SHIKES.

Was just looking through Jasper's Facebook pictures for PassionArt. The artsy fartsy people really did a fantastic job man. Can't wait for the next PassionArt to come along. Maybe have some sort of a fashion show next time round. How exciting. :) Go check out the Passionart album pictures if you can. Really cool snaps taken.

Messed up.

I'm pretty screwed. Have so many things at hand to settle.
There's the family connexions thingy - the people I'm working with have very busy schedules, and the deadline's long over. HA.
Worship night - Alright, it's not THAT bad. But I'm still worried. Haha.
Recruitment drive - Kelvin says no banner. SO... We only have the brochure to settle. And pictures to put up at the booth. But what pictures???
Band prac this week - I hate choosing songs. Tough job. Never satisfies everybody. Sigh. Hopefully the people won't complain too much about my squeaky voice again. They're not making things any easier for me. SIGH.

Today has been quite a fine day. Watched Music & Lyrics with my snuffleupagus pal. HAHA. What a name.
I missed my tuition today, so the mother pushed it to tmr. I'm telling ya, I'm screwed. Seriously, I just want to drop ALL the tuitions immediately and start on a clean slate. But I don't think it's possible. Unless... The parents ask me to drop. Hmmm... But not very helpful to my already scarred reputation. Haha. Oh well. We'll see. Dreadful man, tmr's tuitions. I really wonder how Jingjing handles 8 in a week. Shiat.
But yeah, went to have dinner at Blk 85 Bedok North. Shiok man. Haha. But the ah balling thingy still turns me off. Ugh. It's like, Fear factor to me.
But it's been fun. And nice. And kewll. Alright, enough about today. Don't want to be too longwinded.

After rollerblading and getting myself some macho-istic injuries on Saturday, the group of us decided to go over to April’s house to ‘nua’ and watch a movie while indulging in some Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Whoa. There’s this new flavour, Turtle Soup. Quite nice. Weird name though. Turtle soup sounds disgusting. Anyway, Jiao Per and I used the cam to take a few snapshots.

All of us just bathed. So that's why they look pretty fresh. Should see Jasper after he finished his soccer game man. He looks so NUA and stoned. Jasper's also one of us girls. He's a cam whore. YEP. Surprise surprise.

The guys started to try out the my trademark pout. Cute la. But still... I'm DEEEE best. Muahaha.

I think only girls are good at pouting. Guys who try pouting can't make it la. Look at April. How adorable!

Listening to Way Back Into Love from the Music & Lyrics Movie. Quite a sweet theme song for couples eh. Sigh. I miss Teddy. But I don’t think I’ll be able to see him anytime soon. Ah well.
I only miss the purple teddy that has mittens. HAHA.

Alright, now I gotta go learn how to knit.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

PA Camp

It was fun. EVERYTHING was fantastic.
EXCEPT, the night walk thingy. Scared the shits outta me yoz.

Met a few of my old pals from MJC. Too bad Jingjing wasn't there. She injured her arm the day before the camp due to some taekwondo tournament. Candice was there. Adibah was there. Grace and Yanni too. Well, other than Grace, the rest of the girls from MJ were like... Acquaintances. But it's good to see familiar faces at the start of the camp, instead of being introduced to completely new strangers.

I don't know if it was the stress kicking in for Grace, but she seems to be abit... Out of sorts? I'm not really sure. But we didn't really get to talk much other than the 2nd night when she, Clarence and I talked till 6 plus in the mornin. Gosh. I slept for barely 10 hours throughout the ENTIRE 4 days 3 nights camp.

Took quite a few snaps here and there, especially the last night and day of the camp. Well, we had some sort of a dinner and dance thingy. Grace advised me to not wear a dress. So I brought a green top and jeans instead. Boy, I think I was like... Abit... Under-dressed? Oh what the heck. Some of the girls even brought their make-up stuff. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Had SO SO much fun dancing like stupid freaks to the 80s music etc with the MJ girls. The guys in the camp? Well... Didn't really bother la. Not much to drool over anyway. Or maybe I just can't be bothered anymore. Oh, and we actually went to Cafe Del Mar after the dinner thingy to chill out for a while, only to find out from the waitress that they were closing at 1 am. FYI, we only reached Cafe Del Mar at like what? 12-ish? Ah well. At least the whole group of us girls were just slothing around on the bed.

Anyway, pictures are in shutterfly. Abit too much of a hassle to put them up here one by one.

Oh yes, slept like a pig when I got home on thursday. Didn't even bother waking up to go tutor the 2 kids that evening. Feel quite bad. OH WELL.

Went roller-blading today. Yay. Feel so healthy. Plus the fact that I had a slight tan from the suntanning and frolicking @ the pool during camp makes me even happier. WAHAHA.

Ah shiat. Only have a few more hours to slp before I've to wake up to attend church. Damn.