Monday, July 23, 2007

Youth Sunday weekend

It was hell of a weekend man.
Family connexions - Crazy stuff. I felt like a slave that whole day. Was working all the way from morning till late evening, cause there was this recruitment drive preparations and band prac for Youth Sunday service. OMG. It's the craziest weekend I've had so far in my life... Not a bad thing la. The whole of last week really worked me out. No gym or jogging needed that whole week. HAHA.

Youth Sunday - Was too busy to even get excited over the whole Youth Sunday 'exhibition' at the coffee area. HAHA. Ah well. At least I still had some time to cam-whore with a few of the youths before moving on to the Worship Night prac after service. :) Yay.

I've no idea what they intend to express in this picture. But hey, they still look quite cute despite the funny faces.
Oh yeah, it was Kevin's birthday on Sunday. So someone got him a cake. HAHA. Poor guy. He ended up serving us the cake slices cause the rest of us were pretty busy with other stuff. Heh.
Alright, this picture was only intended to include the 3 greenies. But yes, our church people specialise in adding themselves into the pictures' backgrounds... And the pictures still turn out pretty well. Impressive.
I just added this picture in cause it just looked SO adorable... And heartwarming. HAHA.
Nuff' said. It was a good weekend.
Oh, I just went for a medical check-up. I am SHORT. The woman took like 2 seconds to measure my height. I swear, it's inaccurate. She's like shorter than me, and so she probably measured my height wrongly. Yeah. Haha. 163.5 cm???!!!! WTH. I used to be like... 164-5 can.
I made one new friend while waiting for my turn for some body examination. She wants to play tennis in uni too. And she's in FASS. YAY. Cool. But I can't recall her name. HAHAHAHA. What a loser I am. Oh well.