Friday, July 20, 2007

Sloth-mode day.

I had tuition in the morning. So for the rest of the day, it's quite... Empty, for the FIRST time this whole week. Happy day it was.

Celery and I saw this really cute ring with a mini radio/stereo thingy on it. BUT, thanks to my snubby fingers, the only size left can't even fit my fourth finger. I'm alright with not being able to get it, really. There're other cute stuff around, just takes a lil effort to find em. BUT. I just realised for the very first time that my fingers are FAT. And I can't do anything about it. =( Ah well.

Family connexions props are sorta done. DAMN man. I'm never going to do props again. So troublesome. HAHA. It was fun though, wednesday night. Everyone was acting goofy; I guess we're all like hyperactive cause we stayed in church till like... 11 plus. Haha. A few black faces here and there, but I guess exhaustion was kicking in. I was bo chap already, just wanted to have some fun. It was a VERY loooooong day. First was buying materials with Yin Sian, Colin and Ray till 3 plus. Then I went to tutor from 4 to 7. THEN I went back to church to start work. Thank goodness Sam Tan turned up. Couldn't have done it without him, and the cantonese song. HAHA.
Bottomline: I learnt quite a bit actually. About people, and how to interact with the grumpiest people during the most frustrating time in my whole entire life. HAHAHAHA. Righto.

OMG. I just want this weekend to be over and done with.

Oh yay. YMLC's in Sept in Seremban... Somewhere in Malaysia I think. KEWL STUFF. Woo hoo!