Thursday, July 12, 2007

Interesting Wednesday indeed.

Many many many things happened on Wednesday.

Okay, maybe not alot of things. Just 2 la. HA HA.

I literally broke out in cold sweat for the 1st incident. Glad it's over. I can't believe the bimbo actually found it fun. OMG.

WELL... It was quite funny. Haha. But STILL. I love you la, seriously. HAHA.

Anyhoo. Went to Grace's place to drink. Our stupid aim was to try finishing the 1 litre Vodka Raspberry within the few hours we've left before the next day started. Choya was like, the appetiser. I switched to Green tea after Choya though. It tasted too medicinal. Yuck. To prove that I wasn't wasted, I actually remembered everything that happened last night. We were watching Trapped on Channel 5, then The Apprentice. Of course conversations are a lil vague. BUT, the fact that I could still go home in one piece without bumping into anything is evidence that I didn't get wasted. :)

We all took turns to take a few pictures here and there. Decided to censor some of them, because they're either too blur, or not appropriate for public view. HAHA.

This is the VERY beginning. We just settled for a while. So everyone still looks very sober and fresh. HAHA.

Only a few shots and Grace's face can camouflage with the red vodka bottle.
Grace's sista (Alison) took the picture for us. Lucas and Ah neh were pretending to go strong. I think we all were a lil tipsy by then.
Okay, no need for further explanation. I'm definitely not the last person standing.
I've NO idea when they took this. I was probably sleeping for awhile before we continued our shots.
Yep, that's the brief explanation of what happened. Before I wanted to take my last shot for the night, Ah neh accidentally broke my cup. Not long after, Lucas dropped his cup too. SO YES. We were all just camera-whore-ing and playing around. :) Check out the full collection of pictures at
Oh gosh. Had to postpone roller-bladding to tmr. Have a slight hangover. SHIAT.
No more drinking recklessly, you guys. OKIE? :)
And yes, I still remember the one question you guys asked me. You ALL are VERY VERY important to me. I know I haven't been a very good friend for the past year or so. But yeah, I'll try to make it up to you guys gradually with time, k? I love you all from the bottom of my heart.