Sunday, July 8, 2007

PA Camp

It was fun. EVERYTHING was fantastic.
EXCEPT, the night walk thingy. Scared the shits outta me yoz.

Met a few of my old pals from MJC. Too bad Jingjing wasn't there. She injured her arm the day before the camp due to some taekwondo tournament. Candice was there. Adibah was there. Grace and Yanni too. Well, other than Grace, the rest of the girls from MJ were like... Acquaintances. But it's good to see familiar faces at the start of the camp, instead of being introduced to completely new strangers.

I don't know if it was the stress kicking in for Grace, but she seems to be abit... Out of sorts? I'm not really sure. But we didn't really get to talk much other than the 2nd night when she, Clarence and I talked till 6 plus in the mornin. Gosh. I slept for barely 10 hours throughout the ENTIRE 4 days 3 nights camp.

Took quite a few snaps here and there, especially the last night and day of the camp. Well, we had some sort of a dinner and dance thingy. Grace advised me to not wear a dress. So I brought a green top and jeans instead. Boy, I think I was like... Abit... Under-dressed? Oh what the heck. Some of the girls even brought their make-up stuff. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Had SO SO much fun dancing like stupid freaks to the 80s music etc with the MJ girls. The guys in the camp? Well... Didn't really bother la. Not much to drool over anyway. Or maybe I just can't be bothered anymore. Oh, and we actually went to Cafe Del Mar after the dinner thingy to chill out for a while, only to find out from the waitress that they were closing at 1 am. FYI, we only reached Cafe Del Mar at like what? 12-ish? Ah well. At least the whole group of us girls were just slothing around on the bed.

Anyway, pictures are in shutterfly. Abit too much of a hassle to put them up here one by one.

Oh yes, slept like a pig when I got home on thursday. Didn't even bother waking up to go tutor the 2 kids that evening. Feel quite bad. OH WELL.

Went roller-blading today. Yay. Feel so healthy. Plus the fact that I had a slight tan from the suntanning and frolicking @ the pool during camp makes me even happier. WAHAHA.

Ah shiat. Only have a few more hours to slp before I've to wake up to attend church. Damn.