Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I promise you.

If you ever, SERIOUSLY, EVER mention that Nash word in front of me, or make some stupid joke about me to entertain people, don't expect me to be nice and laugh along.

There's always a limit to everything, my dear friend. And now, it isn't even funny anymore.

And I've been tolerating long enough, you idiot. The next time I'm just going to slap your face and walk off.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Time passed pretty quickly today.

Woke up at 7-ish to study. Took a few breaks now and then... Cooked my own lunch. Studied and studied and studied.

And poof! It's already 11pm. Gosh. I just want these exams over and done with. Who said that university after 'A' levels is relaxing. Freakin' liars. It gets worse, cause you have irritating buggers like the China scholars who come here to get FULL As for their exams blah blah blah. Spoil market only. Not that we Singaporean students are getting dumber. The competition is just pushing us off the edge. Of course they'll do much better than us right. All they do here is study. We, on the other hand, have a social life. Most of us, that is. HAHA.

Alright, I'm not really that bitter about them. I'm just brain-fried now, so I just wanted to let off some steam.

Youth Camp's just round the corner. Leading worship this coming Sunday. But my voice is in a worser state than it has already been in. My voice isn't that nice to begin with, and this weird cracky addition just makes me want to pull out that imaginary voicebox in my throat. Dammit.

But of course, I still trust God has His plans. Fingers crossed, everything will turn out just fine.
Yup. That's the spirit. Now I feel so much better. ^____^ Time to sleep.

Not asleep yet.

This is getting harder to deal with by the day.

(I am such a bitch.)

I wish I was on a Ferris Wheel.

The ferris wheel in Singapore is uber unromantic. There's already some stupid booking list that has reservations that stretch all the way till next year or something. The Ferris Wheel hasn't even started operating yet, you KIASUs.

Everytime Singapore comes up with something really cool or romantic or modern (just put any positive adjective to that), Singaporeans just LOVE to destroy that elegant image. Like, the esplanade. It looks nice, until someone called it the DURIAN. Gosh. How classy is THAT. I know it's funny, but STILL.

(Have no idea where all this patriotism comes from. But anyway, I've always loved Singapore... For its food and safety. Heh. ^__^)

We had a surprise thingy for Celeste's birthday. It's in advance. The dinner was alright. The food was alright. But poor Mae, Ter and Ron. They were freezing their asses off I think. Heh. Oh, and the lighting sucks. So my cam flash was UBER bright. Note that in usual daylight, the flash is already bright enough to irritate people. So the pictures turned out pretty bad. Sam said my cam sucks. No, it doesn't suck. The environment sucks. (Of course I'll be defensive of my cam. How long has it been with me; of course I'll have emotional feelings for it. Anyone bitch about my cam again, I'll punch you. Heh.)

I'm supposed to wake up in about 4-5 hours' time to study. So I think I better stop typing. Getting too hyper. Hopefully later when I wake up, I'll be happy and ready-to-study. If I'm all grumpy, then I'll probably be deadmeat, cause I'll probably not be able to study. SIGH. Can't wait for the 29th!!!!

And the 3rd.

And the 23rd.

And the 25th.

And the 30th.

Alright. That's about it I think.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Parachute band conference

I've just found the C.U.T.E.S.T keyboardist in the history of christian music, at the conf.

And I spoke to him. Muahahahahaha. Boy, is he talented. Jazz degree.

Oh well. And he's only 23.

*gush gush gush*

Not exactly the best picture taken. But hey, it was a candid shot. :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007


"I know the plans I have for you."

It is assuring, really.

After SOOOOO long, You've finally spoken to me. Thank You.

So I guess it doesn't really matter if I fail French... Right. HAHA.

Whilst the lil studying I did today, I was just day-dreaming about what's going to happen after I get a honours degree (fingers crossed).
It'll be nice if I can get a job. But it'll be even nicer if that job can be on hold (reserved just for me) for a year. Cause I want to go have an internship at the Hillsongs college thingy. Or even the Parachute internship thingy. To fully devote it to God, learn how to use my gifts better for Him, and when I come back, be equipped enough to teach the younger ones who will eventually go much further than me.

But the question is, can I actually bring myself to do that? Leave everyone and everything behind. The BIGGER question is, which company will be EVER so nice to leave a job on hold just for me?

Sigh. I can dream about it for ages, but at the end of the day, it's probably just wishful thinking. And the funny thing about God for me - Whatever I dream about never happens. Sometimes, I feel scared of even dreaming about something, cause I know, I'll never get it at the end of the day.

It's sad. I can't even dream about something which I wish/want to happen, in fear that it may not become reality.

I failed my French test.

By a mark.


And the last French test, I failed by 1.5.

OMG. This is getting damn frustrating.

I think I'm going to fail this semester. :(

Studying for stats ain't so bad.

Doing the mock paper's the tough one.
No answers. I don't even know if I'm doing my stuff right.
At least I finished revising all the notes for stats. Yes. Finally. The pain's halfway over.

I wish some things were different. Wish I can stop myself from doing certain stuff. Wish I can turn the clock back (Like how Hiro does it. Heh.) and do some things different, which may end up having different consequences.

What if I didn't do A? What if I did B instead? Or what if I didn't do anything at all?
Gosh. Life is so complicated. But then again, if it was too simple, I would think it's boring.
Sigh. I'm so troublesome. Maybe I should be more simple-minded. I think I've been thinking way too much about things.

Saw this really pretty pretty stand that allows you to put nice jewellery on its 'arms'. Immediately thought of mel. Only she can be fitted together with that thingy in a picture. Maybe I'll just get it for her. Since I still haven't gotten her a house-warming present. Just in time for christmas too. Or maybe get sth more original. SIGH. I think I'm boring. No comments needed from you guys, thanks very much. ^___^

Okay, now I don't even know which one to get for him. The boring one or the more boring one. HAHAHAHAHHA!

I can't wait for dec. Cause that means money will come in. A bit, because of tuition. I'm quite dried up now. And when don comes back, we're going to go shopping!

How long more am I going to stash it away? Or should I just give it up. The last thing I want is to destroy everything with just this stupid thing. SIGH.

Blogs are quite contradictory. It's private in a way that you can say whatever you like. But it's public in the way that you have to censor your words in such a way that people read and pretend to understand what you're saying but they've NO clue what the heck you're saying.
I'm trying to do just that. Voila. An entry which is not understandable at all.

I think these days, whatever I say is not comprehensible. Like, Sam T will just end up asking, "what talking you?" whenever I talk about something like.. Korean drama. Yup.

EARTH TO DIANA. Get a grip, woman.

Okay. I've decided. I'll give it up. No point really. Voila. There you go. You've no idea what the hell I'm talking about. The person pasting sticky stuff should know.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Serious studying.

Finally, I got down to study stats. Yay. At least I've finished 2/3 of whatever's tested. The 1/3's more impt for the exam though. Ah well... On a more optimistic point of view, at least I've grasped the basics and the inference and stats testing blah blah.

I'm never going to do stats again after this. Econs yes, but not stats.

Damn. No wonder I didn't get into the business fac. I'd probably die there. HAHAHAHAHA!

Am taking a break once in a while; apparently I'm alot more efficient if I take lil breaks here and there. SO YES. Now's the loooong break. ^__^

I LURVE studying...


But definitely much more fun than working and slogging. Heh.

Monday, November 19, 2007

blah blah blah.

I'm supposed to be studying the whole day.

But here I am, I just started trying out this PF1101 paper. I still rmb the 1st time I saw the mock exam paper. Gosh. I was wide-eyed, had NO idea how to do that paper. At least now I know what's going on. Yay.

Just finished writing the song. Super emo song. I'm trying to make it more unique, so the chords for the chorus abit warped.
BUT, it's nice.
Stupid idiot, cut me off before I showed you the full chorus lyrics. Thanks for the support.

Anyway, FOCUS FOCUS. Can't talk to certain people online. They'll just make me upset; and then I feel shitty.

OMG. Busted.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Just realised tonight how stupid I am to take up this risk.
What took me so long to figure that out.


I blocked it on msn anyway. So it doesn't matter anymore. Ha.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

OMG. This is like, the 5th entry for SAT.

Okay, I figured things out... No thanks to Fab.

I still care for her. But it can only be on different context. What's done can't be undone.
But she's still my friend. SIGH. Finally.

Yay. Figured it out. Issue settled.... Partially. HEH.

THE ULTIMATE PERSONALITY TEST (got it from Jia Hui's blog. HEE.)

Haven't taken this kinda tests for ages, since secondary school I think. Just for the fun of it. :)

You scored 57 Extroversion, 69 Intuition, 75 Emotional, and 44 Spontaneity!


Outgoing and friendly. ENFJs cheif concern in life is other people, and fostering harmony and cooperation, between themselves and others. Warm personal interactions-strokes of approval and appreciation- keep them going in life. Sympathetic, cooperative and tactful, with high ideals, they make a consistent effort to say and do the right thing. They are patient and conscientious and make an effort to stick to a job until it's finished.

ENFJs put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into their relationships. To some extent, the ENFJ defines themself by the closeness and authenticity of their personal relationships, and are therefore highly invested in the business of relationships. They have very good people skills, and are affectionate and considerate. They are warmly affirming and nurturing. The excel at bringing out the best in others, and warmly supporting them. They want responding affirmation from their relationships, although they have a problem asking for it. When a situation calls for it, the ENFJ will become very sharp and critical. After having made their point, they will return to their natural, warm selves. They may have a tendency to "smother" their loved ones, but are generally highly valued for their genuine warmth and caring natures.

Good verbal communication skills
Very perceptive about people's thoughts and motives
Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others
Warmly affectionate and affirming
Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic
Good money skills
Able to "move on" after a love relationship has failed (although they blame themselves)
Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships
Strive for "win-win" situations


Friday, November 16, 2007

Browsing through the pictures...

And I just had a read on Grace's bloggie.

Can't wait to go w you guys to Cambodia. Fingers crossed everything will go well before the trip. Like, pray that my mom won't last min do a menopause trick on me. Not that I've already told her. WELL. We'll just leave that to next year. :) HAHAHHA.

And... Hopefully it's peaceful over there and all. Wouldn't want our 21st celebration trip to go bust just because of some political bitch-fight that may happen. Wahahahahahhaa.


It is over!

Took my last French test of the semester. Results in 1 week's time. Omigosh. Scary....

Yes, Eugene, I realised. It's Hangul. Just researched on it.

Anyone wants to learn Korean w me?!


My heart skipped a beat.

DAMMIT. This is not good.


Studied for my french test today. Tomorrow's the final french test.
After that, I just need to focus on my other 4 modules. SHIAT. I hate statistics.


OH OH. His name's Gong Yoo. OMG. My new crush. My next holiday destination, KOREA.
I wonder if the universities there are good. Hehehehehehehehehe. SEP.

Clement's coming back to Singapore on the 3rd. Yay!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I wanna learn Korean!!!

I wanna learn how to speak it. I won't bother to learn how to write the language. Just learn to speak it... In hope that one day, an extremely CUUUUUTE korean guy will pop up in my life. Then, I'll coincidentally know how to speak to him. ^____^


(The reason why I'm having this craze right now? I just finished watching this Korean drama series, called Prince Coffee Cafe or something. OMG OMG OMG. The main guy is SOOOOOOOOOO cute. He has dimples. I like dimples. Kekekkeke.)

Dream dream dream....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

To-do list.

1. Study for exams.
2. Eat less.
3. Exercise more.
4. Save up for Cambodia/Vietnam trip with G, A and L.
5. Check out scuba diving for Ben.

SIGH. I can't wait for November to be over. Dreadful month.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I want to so badly

kick his ass man. Too bad I know nuts about kung fu. Stupid Nate. Just one comment from a girl who comes for cg for the 1st time in many million years, and he 'realises' who his REAL friends are. GOOD FOR YOU THEN, brat.

Fab says he's coming back to Singapore this dec. I feel happy, of course. But a lil hesitant. Don't want to get my hopes too high. Oh well. At least I know I've more time to think about his christmas present this year.

I should start being less sensitive, I guess. It's easier to live life, from what I can see so far. Then I won't feel so tired about thinking of this and that and yada yada.

Exams are in 2 weeks. And I've NOT started at all. Am I screwed or what. Ah well.

Met up with Ben on Fri for dinner. Passed me this present which he intended to give me as a birthday gift 2 years back. What a pleasant surprise. But I'm really glad we're still talking and all. After all, he was no doubt one of my besties in jc. It was and still is fun to hang out with him.

OH OH. And I met a secondary mate too. One of my lovely girlfriends whom I used to hang out with EVERY SINGLE DAY man. She couldn't recognise me (as usual. Sigh.) so I had to call out to her several times before she finally looked at me and then whatever happens after that is needless to say. "OH MY GOSH! You look so different now. How're YOU?!?!??!!"

But yeah, can't wait to meet up with her and a few other good girlfriends from sec school. Miss those days. Sigh. I feel so bloody old now.

Thinking about these friends make me feel a lil happier. This week has a been a lil saddening. Especially last night. Jasper thinks I'm just being a typical girl to be jealous. And I admit, I was. I AM A GIRL. I can be super open-minded and stuff, but of course sometimes, I just cannot tahan right.
But at least I know he still loves me. I think. Haha. Righto.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I thought it isn't a good idea.

But I guess I can consider Ruperto's suggestion.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm supposed to be studying.

But I didn't... Yet. :) What a slacker, I know.

I woke up at 1230 pm. Decided to give the family lunch a miss. So I stayed home, ate cup noodles and watched TV; Channel 5 was showing some Miss USA 2007 competition. Sigh. Pretty pageant girls.

Brought out my PF1101 notes to study. But the piano looks more tempting then. So I started playing the piano.
And for ONCE, I actually re-practiced all the scales for majors and minors with all the sharps and flats blah blah blah. The funny thing is, I didn't need a scales book like how I used to need them all the time in the past. Yay. Maybe I'll consider taking the grade 8 exam after all. MAYBE... NOT. Haha. But this time round, I know I'll get close to, if not full marks for my scales man. MUAHAHAHAHA.

Even typing this entry now seems so much easier and faster. My hands, they've got power yoz.

I need to focus on studies now. Exam's in less than 3 weeks. OMG!!!! I'm so dead.

Today's miss-someone day.

Celebrated Fiona's birthday today, at Vivocity's Marche. We didn't eat a lot. But we sure talked loads of crap.

It ended on a bad note though. Oh well, poor girl.

I had a quick dinner @ Kenny Rogers today. Cheese macaroni tastes like macaroni in cheese soup. Was really hungry though. Chicken's still as good.

I think I spent quite a bit today. Dammit.

Maybe I should go run tomorrow or sth. Have been feeding myself a lil overboard.

And this month's so draggy and dreadful. Exams at the end of the month see. Hate it.

OH OH. Stardust is gooooood. The loserpalooza guy turns out to be a handsome charming prince. HAHA. Typical but NICE. I like.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I hardly use my cam these days.

Today's a "I-feel-ugly-and-fat-and-dumb" day.

Wish I can just take a break from everything in my life. (Hey, I think I said this before earlier on this month.)
It's been very stressful and tiring.
Even if I'm extremely tired, going to some place like simpang of blk 85 can just perk me up a bit, for awhile. It's tough staying at home alone w granny these days. Tend to have loads of imagination and thoughts all over the place.

Trying to be all ditzy and cheerful in front of the girls in school is getting harder by the week. I can still remember the 1st week I hung out w them. Life seems alot simpler; get good grades, eat and gossip w the newly-made friends.
SIGH. Damn it.

Not that I'm complaining that time is passing so quickly. I can't wait for Christmas. Can't wait for next year to start. Can't wait for June.

I wish I had a sibling. Being an only child really kinda sucks. I'm going to make sure that in the future, if I EVER have kids, I'll have even-numbered no of kids. They can like pair up and stuff. So no one will feel left out or lonely. :)

Hugging Kaw kaw these days just feel like I'm just hugging my own toy, like Humper.

Not that I'm confused. I'm perfectly clear-headed.
But anyway, it's impossible. I wouldn't want that to happen anyway. Thinking of the consequences itself makes me shudder. It's equivalent to ruining my whole reputation I've spent my life building, not that it's very positively reputable to begin with.
Uh huh. The side-effects of being an only child. You tend to talk to yourself subconsciously, in the brain. Jia Hui agreed w me on this. Heh.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blabber blabber blabber.

Thank goodness for Deepavali this Thursday.

I haven't slept in late for the past weeks. Glad I can finally do that this week. WOOHOO!

Dropped one tuition, and another one crops up, out of the blue. But it's kinda weird; which parent would start tuition after the examinations are over; and the examinations just ended not too long ago. Poor kid. I hope he/she's not extreme, ya know, like, too freakishly quiet or too irritatingly noisy.

My throat hurts like shiat now. The only time it hurt this badly was throat infection a year or so back. DAMMIT. I hate throat infections. Can't even swallow my saliva w/o feeling the shitass pain.

Okay, very very tired. I need sleep. -----____-----

Saturday, November 3, 2007

For the 1st time in my life in NUS

Not that I've been there for long.
BUT ANYWAY, I think I'm going to fail 2 tests - This morning's french test, and monday's stats test.

OMIGAWD. I am screwed.

But looking on the brighter side, 1101 tutor said that our project group may end up as THE best group. Woohoo. Not sure if he's referring to the whole cohort, or the whole class. OH WHAT THE HECK. Let's dream big. Our video was good to some extent, cause it's the most animated so far. AND, it has interviews yada yada... It's literally professional, but we do need to make some changes. The presentation (thanks to my wonderful simplicity style. HAHA. Okies, Big ego there.) was branded THE MODEL presentation by our tutor. WOOHOO. Way to go man.

Alright, I'm going to stop thinking abt that for now, don't want to feel to full of myself.

I need to go for piano lessons. Hopefully Sam W can get me the contact soon. Yay... Finally, I've a piano TEACHER to teach me, instead of me teaching people.

Oh, Dad AND Mom agreed to let me go to Sydney for the Hillsongs Conference. And if everything actually goes pretty well, I may be able to go over to UK to visit Fabian. How exciting.

But FOR NOW, I gotta get over this sem w good grades. I just hate to start my uni 'journey' w sucky cap scores from the start. SIGH.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Première entrée en français

Que fait tu maintenant?
Je fais du fançais.

OMG. I can't do this. Typing all those words in accents... They're KILLING me. HAHA.
Okay, enough crap. Study study.

What am I thinking?!

Okay, maybe I'm just over-imagining stuff. I should stop.

Watched The Gameplan w Shawn P. OMG. It's so funny and sweet. The ROCK danced ballet?! HAHA. Cute. Go catch it. It's nice.

Been a busy week. Such a relief that Wed's over. Tutor's impressed w the presentation. Woohoo.
Okay, now revision. Yuck.
Until now, I've no idea how to study for French. Like, I just forget everything after a test. Thank goodness there's no end-sem paper for this. HAHA! And fingers crossed, my grades for the tests wouldn't be too bad. Like, a good B for now. So yeah. Yay.

My stats is screwed though. I think the lecture management (whatever you call em) should re-consider having a stats lecture 8-10 am TWICE every freakin' week. It's way too early. Who the heck pays attention, besides the scholars. They're called scholars for a reason; weird muggers. I'm not jealous of em. I know I'll do way better than them out in the workplace. HA. I've seen the world. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Haven't been able to talk to Fabian properly. But I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. We've both busy. I'm glad I'm busy. Cause if I'm not, and he is, then it's shit for me. Haha.

Sad thing is I don't feel the same around Mel anymore. Saw her break down in church the other day. But I can't see myself consoling or talking to her like how I did in the past. It's just difficult. Whatever she said that night, just cut me really badly. I wish I didn't have to talk abt it here. But, who else can I talk to about this, really. We're both from the same church. Last thing I want to happen is some controversial scandal or whatsoever. Talking to the church people just made things harder.
Sad to see how things turned out. It'll probably take some time to get over. But oh well.
I guess that's the difference between babes and dudes. Dudes never fall out, even though they may hate each other. Babes are more straight to the point. But they're TOO straight to the point. The bitch factor comes out. Sigh. At least now I know I'm seriously not a dude, like what those guys keep saying. Ha.

NOW I know why some people from school think I dumped Shawn for someone else. Damn him. Can't believe he turned the tables on me. BUT ANYWAY. It's over. Hate me all you want, you suckas.

I'm going jogging later. Need some fresh air. Studying for French isn't easy at all man. SO MUCH TO LEARN. I feel like a loser. Like, I can't speak a language properly. Now I know how those cheena tutors feel when they teach stats in plain english. HAHAHAHA.

The sem's coming to an end. I'm going to miss my 1101 project group peeps. Like, I'm so freakin' lucky to have THE MOST hardworking people in my group.

Okay, I'm going to heed the French tutor's advice - blog in French. HAHA. Damn. That's going to be fun.

(Very random entry I must say.)