Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm supposed to be studying.

But I didn't... Yet. :) What a slacker, I know.

I woke up at 1230 pm. Decided to give the family lunch a miss. So I stayed home, ate cup noodles and watched TV; Channel 5 was showing some Miss USA 2007 competition. Sigh. Pretty pageant girls.

Brought out my PF1101 notes to study. But the piano looks more tempting then. So I started playing the piano.
And for ONCE, I actually re-practiced all the scales for majors and minors with all the sharps and flats blah blah blah. The funny thing is, I didn't need a scales book like how I used to need them all the time in the past. Yay. Maybe I'll consider taking the grade 8 exam after all. MAYBE... NOT. Haha. But this time round, I know I'll get close to, if not full marks for my scales man. MUAHAHAHAHA.

Even typing this entry now seems so much easier and faster. My hands, they've got power yoz.

I need to focus on studies now. Exam's in less than 3 weeks. OMG!!!! I'm so dead.