Saturday, November 3, 2007

For the 1st time in my life in NUS

Not that I've been there for long.
BUT ANYWAY, I think I'm going to fail 2 tests - This morning's french test, and monday's stats test.

OMIGAWD. I am screwed.

But looking on the brighter side, 1101 tutor said that our project group may end up as THE best group. Woohoo. Not sure if he's referring to the whole cohort, or the whole class. OH WHAT THE HECK. Let's dream big. Our video was good to some extent, cause it's the most animated so far. AND, it has interviews yada yada... It's literally professional, but we do need to make some changes. The presentation (thanks to my wonderful simplicity style. HAHA. Okies, Big ego there.) was branded THE MODEL presentation by our tutor. WOOHOO. Way to go man.

Alright, I'm going to stop thinking abt that for now, don't want to feel to full of myself.

I need to go for piano lessons. Hopefully Sam W can get me the contact soon. Yay... Finally, I've a piano TEACHER to teach me, instead of me teaching people.

Oh, Dad AND Mom agreed to let me go to Sydney for the Hillsongs Conference. And if everything actually goes pretty well, I may be able to go over to UK to visit Fabian. How exciting.

But FOR NOW, I gotta get over this sem w good grades. I just hate to start my uni 'journey' w sucky cap scores from the start. SIGH.