Saturday, December 1, 2007

Exams are over.

I feel happy that it's over, really. It's like, a burden off my chest.

But I feel lost. Like, I'm directionless. Sure, I'm in an university pursuing a degree. But there's definitely something more to life than just studying to get a good-paying job to pay for my ever-growing life expenses. Sigh. I don't know. Just wished God will just tell me what the heck is going on right now.

Youth camp just ended. It was pretty fun. Used a dead frozen chicken to play captain's ball. Sadistic, but oh well, it's pretty original. Honestly, I didn't really get to learn much. It's more of me giving for this youth camp. But all in all, I'm glad I went for it.

And I'm super exhausted. Worship-leading tmr somemore. HAHA. Fantastic la.
But this week's been pretty exciting - exams, youth camp blah blah blah.

I'm finally going swimming soon. Hols for now. WOOHOO!!!!