Friday, June 22, 2007

Lazy day

I feel lazy today.

And like, a bit dizzy figuratively.

Well, at least I can still go work out and play tennis with Ruperto tonight. But I had to cancel Shi Yun's piano lesson today cause I had to do sth for granny.

But recently, I've been getting really bad headaches. Shaun had a really bad one the other day; so bad that he threw up and the doc said that it's a symptom of getting a stroke. SCARY!!!!

Anyhoo.. I just wrote this christiany song myself at home. Usually I'll lock myself up in the study room where I'll just stone and play the piano and think of stuff and reflect yada yada. Good time for self-reflection. No wonder pianists usually are emo or suicidal or sth. They think ALOT abt other stuff instead of focussing on playing whatever on the keys. That's what I've been doing. Anyway, here it is. Not very perfectly smoothed out yet. But heck la.

I've been lost for so long
But You brought me back to the place I belong
Memories rushing to me
How You loved and forgave me

(That's the 1st verse. But I need 1 more verse. ANYWAY, here's the pre-chorus and chorus)

Though I may leave You behind sometimes
You never left my side

You kept to Your promise of loving me
And never letting me go
Now I give to You a promise I'll never break
From now on, I'm Yours
Forever, Lord, I'm Yours

Oh yeah, the title's I'm Yours. Well, pretty obvious. HAHA.
Pretty excited about this song-writing, although melodies I come up myself are quite emo... And quite sad. Haha. AH well.