Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tremendously fantasically BUSY life

AND I'm not even working. Haha.

Busy meeting up friends... From church, school and work. Recently quite a few of them pang seh me last minute though. Ok la. Not alot . Just Garrett. And it was some sort of miscommunication. So it's not that bad. I still love you, Garrett. :)

Darius is back. He's not paying me the money. Period. What a loser jackass. BUT, I'll leave it to Su to chase him for me. Muahahahaha!

Just met up with Jeremy for lunch before I headed off for tuition in Bedok. Fish & Co. Freakin' oily fish and chips. But I still went on to eat Choc sundae after that. HAHAHA... I'm so gonna turn into a glutton. But no worries, I'm still exercising alot. Meeting Pert for tennis tmr.. Trying to finally set a time for Touch Rugby with Mae yan, Gabriel and all.

Alright, my mind is like a hamster wheel right now. Probably because of the sugar boost. Thank goodness I didn't finish the sundae.

NSR was fantastic. Loads of fun, talked to people whom I never really connected with in the past. Since the retreat, been messaging quite a bit with Fabian. Haha. Funny guy man he. So full of crap. But he seems pretty mature. And funny. And silly. Have to keep this toopid secret for him. Hehe. Silly fella. ANYWAY... I love this picture of mel, kez and me.
Too bad Jia Hui didn't take the picture w us. But the 4 of us, during the last night, actually squeezed into 2 beds and started talking and bitching... And gossiping. Well, not really gossiping and bitching... Just chatting about certain events and people. Which was loads of fun!

Alright, laptop's batt is dying drastically. Have to turn it off soon. Sigh. Should have brought the charger out. But so ma fan. Aiya. Anyway, life's good so far... At least Her Majesty hasn't erupted lavae at me yet.

Oh darn, have to go upload the pictures for NSR too.