Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm going to miss not having to study man. Gosh. I can't believe I screwed up the hostel thingy. What a good start. Sigh.

ANYWAY, Mel just had a pretty big fight with joe. Well, I'm just glad that things went back to normal. :) Prayers do work, as advised by my friend.

Had dinner with Ryan for exactly 1 hour. I SWEAR, I'm so not ever going to have dinner with him unless I've someone else with me. Make me walk around aimlessly in Orchard Road for like... 2 HOURS LAH! Crap. Not that I wanna be a bitch. But, maybe it's a bit more polite if you let me know that you're leaving by a certain time beforehand, instead of just telling me on the spot that you've to leave in like.. 1 min? Thank goodness Fabian made it better. Chocolate crunch cereal! Fattening and sinful. BUT, I guess it's a deservingly good treat once in a while.

It's cool that Mom actually wants me to stay in the hostel. But! Something always has to screw up. How idiotic. First, I had to wait a year longer to get a course in NUS. Next, the fees problem came up. AND THEN, this stupid hostel thing. SIGH. Why ah. Oh well, I'm just taking things as they are. But I am excited nonetheless. :)

OMG. I just realised that I have lots of work to do. Crikey! Alright, that's all really. Nothing much happened. Just hanging around. OH! Played tennis with Pert. Alright, it's more like a tennis lesson. Cool stuff. Can't wait for the next session. :) YAY!