Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2 papers down.

3 to go. Yay. :)

Lost my voice. I really sound like shit now. And the throat hurts pretty bad.
Oh well. Hopefully it'll get better before the exams end. :)

OMG. My kermit shirt's out of stock. DANG.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Awesome concert!

And considering the amt of money we paid, the seats were really good.

Music was fantastic. Love the band. Love the pianist cum director. OMG.
The plot however, like what Liting said, was abit screwed up. Haha. But it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. So yeah, cool stuff really.

I think that mother queen has like 8 vocal octaves or something. Shiat. Damn good voice. And the pink feather dusters with ribbon lingerie. HAHA! Funny combination.

Still not a crazy fan of the ROCK music. But at least I can appreciate it a heck lot better now. Honestly, the live one did sound a million times better than the CD I heard in Gabe's car.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Horrible week.

Until the TS practical exam. It was fun. And we did it well, I think.
One half of TS exam is over. Woohoo!

I'm wearing this over-sized shirt now. Think I'm gonna change in a while, though it's uber comfortable. Now I understand why people wear shirts that are 10 times their size. Then again, it makes me look as if I've a beer belly, since I'm acting as a guy. But Liting said I was 'shuai' onstage. Which was a compliment, though a lil disturbing. I'm a girl after all. Oh well, at least I put my tomboy mannerisms to good use. Haha.

It's odd how you think that this person was meant for you and then it just snaps back at you. I wish there was a solution really.

Oh well. Exams first.
Easier said than done though.

The only comfort right now's that the exams are approaching and ending soon. Then there's shopping online and offline. And going out spending money on anything and everything. And the possibility of going for a short trip to some island (Still tentative. Haven't decided who to ask and when to go. Just some idea that popped up in my head 5 seconds ago.). And then there's the Aussie Hillsongs Conference trip. Cool stuff.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I've my reasons for doing things.

I have a brain. I think.
Don't make it sound like I'm some dumb idiot with an intelligence level of a 5-year-old.
When I get home, I'll be damn tired and I just need to sit around for a while. And the last thing I want to hear, is someone lecturing me to do yada-yada just because it's YOUR habit.

I'm a sicko. (WTH?!?!?!?!?!)
That's the last thing you said on the phone before I hung up.
Got that.
Thanks for the insensitivity and over-practicality.
It's amazing that you called just to utter words of disgust.
Right now, I really wish you were here. So that I can give you a slap on the face and just walk away without feeling guilty.

Dinner today was hilarious, thanks to Yingwen. Ladder theory. Ha. Maybe I should consider his advice. Seeing how things are right now, his words of 'wisdom' make a whole lot more sense.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No more going to Bedok Macs.

I'm never going back there again. Unless I'm with a buncha people. Or my mom insists on eating at Macs, which is a very low possibility. Thank goodness.

Screwed up day, because I didn't really do much revision. Not that I was slacking. Had two tuitions. And since I slept at 7 am, waking up at 2 pm is quite reasonable.

I'm just praying REALLY hard that my grades will be loads better. Well, these few weeks I haven't been out at nights for supper. Which is a totally different story from last semester. I miss the hanging-outs though. Oh well. People change. Things change.

Maybe I've changed. For the worse. I don't know. I'm blabbering away again. Sleep.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I can study so much better now.

With Diana Krall and Nat King Cole on the Media player.

I wish Christmas comes soon.
The best season of the year.

And I just realised - Nat King Cole's songs were used for Disney's princess stories. NO WONDER SO FAMILIAR. WAHAHAHA.


I know the exams will be over and done with quickly, since they're only like, 2 weeks away. But it's so freakin' tiring. Not sleepy tiring. Just mentally tiring. I need a holiday.

I'm considering that Malaysian road trip thingy. Sounds pretty cool. And I already told my mom that it's possible that I may going. Hopefully she won't pull any tricks on me last minute if I do decide to go for one.

Anyway. FOCUS on studies first.
Went grocery shopping with Mom. So now I'm just taking a breather before starting again. Last night's attempt to listen to Benny was unfruitful. Dozed off after half an hour listening to him lecturing about programming. Yuck. Why the heck are we doing THAT anyway. Gosh. So random can.

Friday, April 18, 2008

First time in Little India.

It feels like I was in Malaysia, honestly. Everywhere's so... Un-Singapore. HAHA. It was extremely squeezy in Mustafa. And the smell of spices and all. I'm just glad I went with the right people. At least they're more considerate about the problem I have.

Best of all, I visited this french foodplace near Farrer Park MRT. Oh gosh. FANTASTIC food. Despite the escargots. But it was a good dining experience. Very chill-out. And their profiterole... OMG OMG OMG OMG. Nice. I like. But I'm glad I didn't have to finish it up myself. Would be cussing myself for the calories.

The ultimate coincidence happened at school yesterday. Oh my shit.
One consolation: My oatmeal cookies turned out pretty alright. Either that or my friends just decided to be nice and say they're nice though they may be bad. But hey, this time the oatmeal cookies are chewy. Yay.

OH OH. Mustafa has ALL the baking essentials. And they're cheaper too. BUT, I don't think I wanna go there alone. I'd rather go to Cold Storage or even NTUC, although they may not have the stuff I want sometimes.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

West Coast Park in the morning

Is pwetty bew-ti-ful.
Just that it looks horrible and scary at night.

Now I know where to go if I feel stressed in school, during the day. But that'll happen from next semester onwards. And, I've a buddy to go with. Yippee.
OH OH. There's a Macs nearby too. Breakfast is goooooooooooood.

Okay, I'm really tired. Gotta sleep now and wake up in 4 hours. OMIDEGOSH. And I only studied like, 1 chapter of the semiotics lecture notes. OMG OMG OMG.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I need some fresh beach air.

I think the government should pump in more money to upgrade the beaches in Singapore.

There's still this glimmer of hope (in my mind) that our beaches will have clear blue water with fishes and turtles roaming free underwater. :)

If Indonesia's islands can have that, I'm pretty sure we can like, push the water from there to Singapore. Okay. I think I'm crazy. WTH am I talking abt?!

It's funny how he didn't even know that I was behaving strangely the past week or so. Amazing, his ability of optimism.

Watched 3/4 of a movie.

OMG. During THE MOST exciting part, the whole video froze.

But I'm pretty excited about the GST offset package. :) Yippee. More ka-ching.

I miss him. SIGH.
Then again, looking through the pictures, we don't look compatible.
Okay, that's a whole new topic. But oh well. I think I need some rest. (NO SHIT. It's freakin' 5 am.)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday was a fun day!

Hung out with the TWW band people with Stef and Audrey after church.

It was fun. Felt a little odd because I usually only meet and hang out with the church people. But it was a good day.

Train ride home was dreadful, cause I so didn't want to go home. I think there's this cold war between the mudder and the fudder. And AGAIN, they won't talk things out. They really don't see that it has affected me in the past, and it still does affect me in a very big way. I think I'm so freakin' dysfunctional because of their problems. Gosh. You're called husband and wife for a reason. TALK, for goodness' sake.

Went jogging with Mae Yan - That was cool, cause firstly, I haven't exercised since the production started and the momentum just went down the drain. Secondly, I actually pulled myself out of laziness and go jog with Mae Yan, who's FIT. I'm just so happy that I didn't faint halfway. HAHA!

My BFF has been extremely nice and understanding, despite the sarcasm and crude comments sometimes. I actually think this friendship is going to work out really well. What's awesome is that I feel comfortable spilling everything out even though we've only known each other for like, less than two months.

Busy week ahead. Just pray that God can continue to bless me abundantly, so I won't give up studying and listening to the endless webcast lectures. After exams, I'll go for an overseas trip. Don't know where, don't know who to go with. But that can come later in May. I just want this examination period to be over as soon as possible. And more importantly, hopefully I'll get much better grades this semester. Gosh. An average B- to push up my grades. Tough tough.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

God blessed me motherloads today.

Finished recording the songs I wrote, with one left aside for amendments. And I just got a new song this evening too.

Playing the piano today seemed different. The notes seemed to flow much better. Yup. His power. THANK YOU GOD!!!

Boring week ahead; revision week. YUCK.

Planetshakers evening.

It was a fabulous time. We Asians really have quite a lot to learn from these people.

Tonight I literally put everything else aside and just focused on God. Realised I've been multi-tasking too much lately.

If only there weren't exams in 2 weeks. Would really love to just focus on getting back on track with God. Ah well. But maybe, the exams are meant to be a blessing in disguise. HMMM.

Not that I've been sinning like committing crime, but it's like my thoughts are straying off. Distractions distractions.

OH OH. Gotta start writing songs. Some big event coming up! Quite cool, when Earl mentioned about it. Hopefully mine are usable. Fingers crossed. Just realised I've 4 that I can already hand in. Which is extremely fantastic. Yippee!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm playing prince!

Who would have thought.
I'm acting as PRINCE CHARMING in the practical examination play. WOOHOO!
Okay, it's just prince. But heck; SO COOL la.

OMG OMG. This is getting fun.

Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I can just use a brain eraser and rub off those thoughts. If only it was that easy. At least now I know my limitations. I'm only human.

Flutter flutter flutter. When am I going to get over it?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Okay, matter settled.

Big guy knows that I'm attached; credit goes wholly to Wayne.
I feel less burdened now. HO HO HO. :)

School feels uberly sian today. Dang.
At least I've a play to take part in, for my TS practical examination. Snow White story, with vulgarities, and lewd jokes, and molestation. How odd. HAHAHA.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I want to strangle him. And myself. (Alright, random.)

Human nature flaw #1: Make something out of nothing.

I freakin' miss the band.

Alright, to be more specific. I miss Conan and Wayne.

Hello, they play so well that they make me sound uberly uberly professional too.
Besides, Jesher and Liting are from church, so I'll definitely see them around often.
But yes, we'll be keeping in touch.
"Definite," said Wayne.

Alright, back to studies. OH ME GOSH.

A tribute to my band. :):):)

Love yo.

The music director cum acoustic guitarist - with mis-cues and bountiful laughter.

The bassist - Every girl in the production crew wants to join his fan-club if there is one.

The electric guitarist - Extremely capable of playing any song requested. He has a potential fanclub base too.

The drummer - Still the same old Jesher.

I'll be damn excited if we really do the soundtrack thingy. WOOHOO!

Monday, April 7, 2008

It's a guy thing.

But there's always a limit.

I needed you. But you pushed me away. Again.
What can I say?

It happens again, and again, and again.

ANYWAY. Today was a pretty good day, though I think I pissed Wayne off a lil; we've been trying to tick each other off as much as possible. Hopefully he's big-hearted enough.

I'm dreading Tuesday. It'll seem weird to live life as it is, without seeing the production people, and especially the band. SIGH. My best buddies.

Then again, I want April to come and go asap. Then May will come; I'll start drum lessons, bass too maybe, and even tennis. Then go to Aussie. Yada yada.
Starting to see life without the relationship. Maybe it'll work out. Or maybe, I may not need it after all.

YAY Factor - The 2 reports are FINALLY done. Oh gosh. I couldn't even be bothered to read them. I'm too tired and bo chap to.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

3 more shows.

Tired because of practices and shows that end past 11.

Broke because of morning cabs; wake up too late for public transport.

Grumpy because of early morning practices that drag till night.

Fattened because food provided is mostly fried. HA.

Fattened (again) because there is absolutely no time to rest, let alone exercise and work out.
Lucky because I'm earning a 'salary' from this.

Happy because I made friends with several people, and all of them have a terrific sense of humour (probably because they're all theatre people, thus pretty expressive).

Sad because this whole thing's about to end.

Sad (again) because I'll miss the band people and the actors and all.

Hopeful because I'm looking forward to jamming with the same band in the future; maybe perform together in gigs. :)

Relieved because I can start focusing on studying and revising for the exams.

Stressed because I've missed lessons; have to catch up.

Excited because I've a play to perform in because of the TS1101E module. Yippee.

Too many things going on in my head. It's like a hamster wheel in there. Round and round and round...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Been missing a lil too many lessons.

I'm so tired out by the production. Like, I can't wake up on weekdays will like 11 am. Which means I'm missing loads of lessons. Only the TS module is steady right now, since I'm so in touch with TS people and stuff. HAHA.

But yeah, I'm really hoping after this production ends, I'll start working hard again. I started well this semester. Not going to slack off now. I need a B- average to pull my pathetic grades up. Shikes yoz.

At least I've finished whatever assignments, thank God. Just have the PF1104 report to touch up. And WALA! Study study. I think I'll stay in school to study... Overnight or something. Not sure if it'll work though. Better than home maybe? A lil too many distractions... Video-ing, slacking, snacking. Yada yada.

Now all I'm hoping is that my assignments come up with good grades. SIGH. Typical life of a student.