Sunday, April 20, 2008


I know the exams will be over and done with quickly, since they're only like, 2 weeks away. But it's so freakin' tiring. Not sleepy tiring. Just mentally tiring. I need a holiday.

I'm considering that Malaysian road trip thingy. Sounds pretty cool. And I already told my mom that it's possible that I may going. Hopefully she won't pull any tricks on me last minute if I do decide to go for one.

Anyway. FOCUS on studies first.
Went grocery shopping with Mom. So now I'm just taking a breather before starting again. Last night's attempt to listen to Benny was unfruitful. Dozed off after half an hour listening to him lecturing about programming. Yuck. Why the heck are we doing THAT anyway. Gosh. So random can.