Sunday, April 6, 2008

3 more shows.

Tired because of practices and shows that end past 11.

Broke because of morning cabs; wake up too late for public transport.

Grumpy because of early morning practices that drag till night.

Fattened because food provided is mostly fried. HA.

Fattened (again) because there is absolutely no time to rest, let alone exercise and work out.
Lucky because I'm earning a 'salary' from this.

Happy because I made friends with several people, and all of them have a terrific sense of humour (probably because they're all theatre people, thus pretty expressive).

Sad because this whole thing's about to end.

Sad (again) because I'll miss the band people and the actors and all.

Hopeful because I'm looking forward to jamming with the same band in the future; maybe perform together in gigs. :)

Relieved because I can start focusing on studying and revising for the exams.

Stressed because I've missed lessons; have to catch up.

Excited because I've a play to perform in because of the TS1101E module. Yippee.

Too many things going on in my head. It's like a hamster wheel in there. Round and round and round...