Saturday, April 12, 2008

Planetshakers evening.

It was a fabulous time. We Asians really have quite a lot to learn from these people.

Tonight I literally put everything else aside and just focused on God. Realised I've been multi-tasking too much lately.

If only there weren't exams in 2 weeks. Would really love to just focus on getting back on track with God. Ah well. But maybe, the exams are meant to be a blessing in disguise. HMMM.

Not that I've been sinning like committing crime, but it's like my thoughts are straying off. Distractions distractions.

OH OH. Gotta start writing songs. Some big event coming up! Quite cool, when Earl mentioned about it. Hopefully mine are usable. Fingers crossed. Just realised I've 4 that I can already hand in. Which is extremely fantastic. Yippee!!!