Monday, January 21, 2008


Opened that STOOOPID file Shazleen sent to me. Now, my whole laptop's screwed. Gotta reformat and delete every freakin' file in the lappy. STUPID HACKERS!

Bet loads of people are cursing me right now. I think a few of them actually opened the file.

ARGH! STUPID HACKERS. You guys obviously:
1. Have nothing else better to do than to make people's lives miserable. Which is pathetic. Your lives must be pretty miserable.
2. Have no talent other than hacking, which is equally as pathetic. You guys should go for bloooody enrichment classes. I'm sure there're more purposeful things to do other than this. Come on, even old folkers learn line-dancing or something, which is million times more logical than this.
3. Are freakishly desperate for money. Cause you rather do this hacking thing and be cursed by people all over the world for the rest of your human life instead of finding a stable job which may actually make a POSITIVE impact on people's lives. Gosh. What've you guys been doing. Smoking/drugging your money and life away eh?
4. Extremely desperate for peer acceptance. Do you seriously think hacking into people's computers will score points for you in social life? Guess what, YOU DON'T. Surprise surprise. What, were you expecting people to go, "WOW. You're smart!" when they see you hacking into other people's private information? They'll probably stay even further away from you, fyi.

Sigh. I just feel a lil better. Cause I'm having a killer-headache; been brain-strained over this stewpid 'virus' thingy.

All I know now, is that God did this for a reason. And it's for my own good. It better be a good reason. Haha.

And yes, I've cock-eye bear to help me through this trying and tiring period. AWWWW. Hugg. I owe you one, oeach!