Tuesday, January 29, 2008

His hair so tootee-toot.

Random comment for a title. Haha.

Sigh. I've loads of readings to do (both compulsory and optional ones) and I've this econs tut which I don't know how to do. Like, how to answer the questions???

I feel dumbie.

New Year's coming; so is Valentine's Day. Sigh. I really wished Fab's around. But I guess I won't be able to celeb both occasions with him for the next few years. Ah well. The bane of having a boyfriend who doesn't exist in Singapore half the time. HAHA!

He better be here when I celebrate my 21st though. If not... HWAH. I'll be sooooooooooo disappointed.

I've a 3-day week timetable, and yet the feeling of going to school sucks. Haha. Maybe I should stay in the hostel. I'll be more hardworking... I think. Haha! BUT THEN AGAIN. Staying in hostel means I can't give tuition. And that would majorly suck. Because my mom doesn't give me enough to make me feel financially secure. And I won't be able to save up. AND, I won't be able to buy stuff as and when I like. I'd rather a substantial amt of money to be in my bank acc all the time. So whenever I see something which I really really really want, I can decide if I really really need it, instead of having the sucky feeling, "DAMN. Now I've to save up FIRST, and then hope that no one grabs it before I do."

And that was what happened when I saw this Lacoste bag. Sigh. If only I had the money in my account. The bag will be in my possession right now.

OH WELL. Back to reality...