Monday, May 21, 2007


Freakin' drama weekend man. Shikes.
No details needed. If you don't know what's going on, it's good. ^___^ Ignorance is bliss. If you do know what's going on. Well... All I can say is... W.T.H. Haha. Ah well, at least it's over.
Darius gave me a surprise call this morning, and of all times, he had to call during the boys' recess time. Of course I wouldn't really be able to focus on the conversation. But anyway, the subject was pretty clear-cut. He wants to be more than friends when he returns from the U.S. Like, dude, seriously, do you think you'd even have time to fool around when you enlist into the army?!!! Haha. Silly fella.
Anyhoo, here're the pictures for my dear Grace, Ah Neh & Lucas. ^___^
Mind you, they all tried out my sunshades. Looks good on them too eh?! Esp Ah neh. Keke.

Was hanging out with Nate, Eug & Pert at Siglap macs. Took their individual pictures. Ya know, I realise, they can be good models. Very natural... Haha. With a few tweeks here and there with photoshop tools, they'll look fab. Check em out. I feel honoured to have many many good-looking friends. WAHAHAHA. Okie, I think I'm just a lil high today. Haha.

Tuition's cancelled. YAY! Meeting Jasper for dinner and SHOPPING! Woohoo. Maybe I can go check out some hammies (aka hamsters) at the petshop in Vivocity. ^__^ Finally, I get a good start to the week.

Oh by the way, my mom's back. She's gonna stay with Grams (aka Granny) and me with the 2 lil brats. UGH. No clubbing, that's for sure. SIGH. There goes my freedom yet again. SHIKES.

P.S Go check out BLADES OF GLORY! VERY FUNNY movie man. Hyuk Hyuk.