Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm VERY patient.

Yup, that's what Mdm Shanti said.

I've been busy doing this, that, these, those stuff. As if my workload's not enough, I've to 'help' the other staff finish THEIR work.

If I ever hear them telling me/complaining that I'm not efficient, I'll leave I.M.M.E.D.I.A.T.E.L.Y.

*The above content was typed at about... 1? The rest below was typed at 3.30. Was running around doing stupid chores between 1 and 3.30. F*** man. ARGH.*

OMG. I feel sore all over. Freak man. Finally get some time to just sit down and stone... And put in this new entry.

Well, at least I asked Sharifah to help me keep a space for relief-teaching after the June holidays. Not sure if she would, but she better be professional and give me the vacancy. OR ELSE... I can't do anything. Haha. I feel so... weak. Like, I'm melting or something.

The weekend was FABULOUS though.

Sat was pretty fruitful. Went to recee the retreat bungalow with Jia Hui & Sheryl. Cool stuff. I mean, it is the same place as last year's. But we're given ALOT more lee-way this time. Not sure why. Maybe the guy's swayed by our charisma. YEAH... right. Haha.
The three of us drove back to church, to meet Shawn & Jasper for lunch. Met Ray and PJ too and had a 'meeting' with them; I've a feeling we've just been arrowed to do something for this Family Day thingy. Arrowing - One of our church members' favourite habits. ^_^
Went to the pet-shop with Jasper to check the hamsters out. No stock. -_- Haha. Anyway, I decided to give up the idea of keeping hamsters for now. I want to invest some money into tennis instead. Haha. Oh, and somehow Jasper convinced me to get this maroonish-pinkish-purpleish sunshades. Pretty interesting. Like, WHO would ever think that those kinda shades look good??? Haha. Ah well, he's the fashion designer guru kinda person. Gotta trust him on things like this. :)
Met up with Grace, Lucas & Ah neh for dinner at Arab street/Haji Lane/Somewhere around there. Sorry, my geography really is bad. Interesting food & drinks. And yes, we forgot to ask Adrian and Hongjing to come... again. Haha. We had to go all the way to Far East to find Adrian to offer our apologies. BUT, what's up with that attitude man. Ah well. That's Adrian for you. Not that I know him very well now. Used to, but not now. Anyway, I made the 3 of them try out my shades, cause Lucas said I looked bimbotic. We ALL look good in it... I think. I'll put the pictures another time. Forgot to bring the cam along to school today.

Baked cookies at night for mother's day mainly, reserved some for Jasper & Daniel since I made quite a lot. Actually, some of the youth min people had a taste of it. PJ said I could sell them. HAHA! Instant mix Betty Crocker is GOOD. Mom said I should try coming up with my own recipe. Yep, be a wet blanket, as usual. Ugh.

Sunday's alot more relaxing. I bought a pair of rubber black flats... AND, I had an afternoon nap! What a miracle.

BUT today's been Hell man. Ugh. So tired... OH YEAH! It's 4 pm. I'm leaving. Ciao.