Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This will be my last week @ ACS (P)

Yay! Well, it's pretty good news, considering the fact that the admin people made me work in living hell for the past few weeks. Hyuk hyuk.

BUT, here's the problem.

I have been spending quite a bit. And, I need to save up for my trip to Aussie.

Oh well, I'm just praying that God'll help me out on this one. SIGH.

ANYHOO, the last 2 days have been alright, although I had a pretty bad migraine problem yesterday.

I didn't get to check out the hammies on Monday. Decided not to tempt myself. Heh. But, I did purchase this pouch bag thingy from Topshop. Left it in Jasper's bag; forgot to get it from him. AND, now he's in China. Damn. That means I can only get my dear lil pouch on Sunday. HEY, I just remembered, my chocolates are still with him! Haha... RIGHT. Bet they already melted... In someone else's mouth. HA.
We went over to Newton Circus for supper. My 1st time there actually. Jasper's too. Cool place; hey, it's like... pretty clean and hygienic. No wonder it's a tourist attraction. Abit on the costly side though. And they use oil as if it's free of charge. Freakin' oily. Haha. At least this time I didn't feel sick.

Well, I did fall sick. But it was bad migraine. Woke up at like, 11 am. Grams was out of the house for some funeral. I made Campbell's cream of chicken for lunch. Couldn't be bothered to go out and get lunch. I need a lighter diet anyway. Not that the chicken soup is not fattening. But at least it's liquid food. Heh. Yeah, here I am, in self-denial. Fine, it's fattening. But it's only soup, no biggie. And it's NICE! Haha.

PJ dragged me outta house to help her out to shop for lil cheap gifts for some 900 kids in China. Apparently the missions people who're going don't know how to shop for this kinda stuff. So yeap, diana to the rescue. How noble right. Muahahaha. ANYWAY, here's the climax of the night - We went to Fish & Co. & I ordered this Lime Goggie drink. Hyuk Hyuk. What a weird name!!! But it's some cocktail, with lemon, mango, tequila and something else. Cool stuff.

Darius called again. He actually sounds a bit depressed. Hmmm... Maybe he's sad over Judy. Or some other girl who fucked and ditched him. Ha. Sigh. He's like some lil brother; always make me worry only. Ah well. Fuck it.

Boring day today actually. Hectic all the way from 8 to 2.
Oh, and another person (She's a relief teacher @ ACS Barker Road) just said that I've a du-lan face. Ah well. I'm used to it. Hey, not my fault that I've a sian face. Blame my mudder. Haha.