Monday, July 27, 2009

I've moved.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sydney - Hillsong Conference's DA BOMB.

It's a spiritual buffet!!!! I'm about to burst. :)

The opening ceremony gets better every year.

This is just the start before other things started happening in the opening ceremony. But no cameras allowed. So this was all we could get.

Here're some snapshots. All the rest is in facebook.

Evelyn, Rudy and Rochelle. Very graciously hosting and feeding us. THANK YOU!!!

There were so many cute cupcake shops.
Dexin and I just couldn't resist trying 'em.

The chilli hotdog and the tiger pies from Harry's On Wheels.

That thing is a hamster.

And yes, Audrey, hamsters in the wild have metallic running wheels.

Friday, July 3, 2009

1 more night.

Man, it's just a couple of weeks, but I'm already missing being in my study-room. I just hope my grandma will be fine while I'm away.

It's already been a year since the last trip to Australia. So many things have changed. Sigh.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

I asked God for a swimming pool.

In my future dream house's backyard, or something like that. Sure, it sounds rather far-fetched. But He did say I'll get it if I worked hard enough. HAHA.

But anyway, it feels so much nicer to be able to just swim every afternoon and laze around in my own backyard's pool. As compared to the sick feeling in the stomach I get earlier after some laps, and having to take a bus to and fro. And the whole thing about sharing the pool. I feel rather competitive, even though I'm not that a good swimmer now. It's idiotic having to share a lane with this fat ang moh who splashes around like a big fat duck; he's supposedly doing free-style. He's still pretty fast, despite the huge waves of splash.

The walk home was slightly less painful, thanks to my ipod. But because I couldn't wait for my wet suit to dry off, I walked home in a wet shirt and wet fbt shorts. I know, gross right. But that was how much I wanted to get home and sit down and slack off.

I hope my ipod never dies. :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One week more.

It's a whole mixture of feelings. Like, 60% excitement, 10% anxiety and 30% emo. I will miss many many people. And the food.

I know it's only a month, or less, if I don't get quarantined.

But I'll miss meeting up with Liting and Steph; their charisma and humour never fail to crack me up. Smelt. The CG; I'm gonna be missing saturday lessons and sunday lunches. Grace and the boys. Although we don't meet very often, thinking about them makes me smile sometimes. We've known one another for about 4-5 years now. It's amazing to see how much they've grown. Haha.

It's true that as you get older, your circle of close friends gradually minimise. I'm happy with my circle of close friends. It would be really heartbreaking when I've to leave Singapore to live somewhere else.

This whole holiday, I've been daydreaming quite a bit. Not sure if they're visions or just thought bubbles. I occasionally think about leaving the country to a bible college somewhere else. Learn outside the Methodist context. I may change my mind about this matter later on, but I honestly don't see myself working in a CBD office. It's so bland. And meaningless. Unless I'm working there with another purpose in mind. Hmmm.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Emotionally turmoilistic day.

Whatever it is. 2 more weeks. And I'm out of here.

I'm just really relieved that worship-leading didn't end up nightmare-ish. It was slightly fun. But I felt pretty awkward when I saw my dad walk into the auditorium from the back door. I don't like the feeling of being watched.

Man, the weather is a killer.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Freakish dream.

Maybe it's because I slept till 3 pm this afternoon. Haha. But I had this massive headache for the whole morning. I could literally hear my heart and brain throbbing away whenever there was silence.

Anyway. The dream. It was a combination of dreams and nightmares. About things I should never attempt to do in real life. I can't remember all the things that happened in the dream, but the 2 things which I can vividly remember are enough to freak me out. The first was kissing a guy whom I should never kiss again, and the other was shouting at some unknown band consisting of 3 keyboardists and a worship leader (all don't exist in real life) on-stage, in church, in front of the congregation.

After that, the dream was all nice and happy, but I can't remember the rest. It's the freaking stuff which I can remember.

As much as I want to start writing songs again, I think I got to be more well-versed in the Bible knowledge. Or least know where Corinthians is placed rather than depending on the contents page. That's my downfall. And the reason why the past songs I wrote will never be used. That's the impression I'm getting.

During the past 2 weeks, due to boredom, I started to reflect on the things I did, both good and bad. And I realised the songs which I wrote, are just looked upon for a moment and passed on. There's nothing much I can do about the songs, other than fish for comments. I'm not like Amy; I can't push the songs up the stage. Not like Eugene either; he gets requests to write songs for occasions and stuff. And it kinda frustrates me. I know the difference between songs one should keep for himself, and songs which can actually be used on-stage. And although I feel a few of my songs can be used in church, I'm not really getting the support which I need to push the songs up. I don't want to do it forcefully. All I need is a "Yes, let's do this song." Unfortunately, I'm not getting that at all.

Of course I understand that it takes years to hone the skills and to allow certain songs to be sung in a church setting. I guess my songs aren't meant to be used in church. At least Wayne and I can use the songs for our own worship and just-for-fun-improvisation.

Don't get me wrong; I'm still trying to write with the help of the Bible. But by the looks of it, I think I'll keep the rest for myself for now. It feels slightly demoralising when you don't have constructive criticism or any follow-up. And when you don't get that for a long period of time, you just stop doing it, because you're tired of it.

All nice and rainbowy for now.

She's not freaking out anymore. The Dad seems more supportive of me going; I just need to go get the jab and sleep regularly from now on. Clement says the situation ain't that bad. So yup. I trust God's plans. So I'll go. :) YAY.

I'm just praying that the situation will improve, so I don't need to be quarantined. Being quarantined may be fun in some aspects, but I really really want to play for this gig. And if I get quarantined, I'm bust. No gig, no ka-ching.

Anyway, I was with Elena on Monday to visit 2 old ladies and attend a wake. A pretty depressing day, but I didn't really get affected emotionally. As in, I felt sad, but I was more into the motivated-to-do-something-about-it mood. Maybe because Elena's around me the whole time. She's like a happy bee.

Find it weird how my left hand's been getting numb for long periods of time. Like, in the past, the numbness usually went away after a while. But for the past few days, the numbness stays on for an hour or more. I hope it's nothing more than just lack of hand exercise. Time to do scales and chromatics.

AHHH! Panadol. I need panadol for my holiday trip. *I'm coming up with a list of what to pack.*
Shikes man. Holiday prep is really troublesome and expensive.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"I never stopped you from going to Australia."

YEAH RIGHT. She's still the same old woman. I couldn't believe my ears when she said that. C'mon, you created this whole saga earlier on this year. So don't come saying this stuff. It's really annoying.

Anyway. News update. My mom (YET AGAIN) is banning me from entering Melbourne. GAH. It's the same old story again.

"People say this... People say that." (Probably all the opinions were created by her mind, with just 1 person telling her some teeny weeny thing.)

"I know you trust God. But sometimes got to trust your common sense." (Kinda contradictory in itself.)

"What if you return and get quarantined and you pass the H1N1 to us?!" (The reaction after I explained that I'll get quarantined in the Costa Sands chalet. Very supportive. Haha.)

Honestly, I am worried about this whole H1N1 thing. But her ridiculous and somewhat selfish arguments make me want to enter Melbourne even more. I just want to show her that I can enter and leave healthily, with God's help.

Sigh. It's exhausting trying to knock some sense into her. It's just a holiday trip. Cut me some slack. Please. I'm seriously, honestly, extremely tired of this crap.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Today is a sucky day.

I don't want to sound childish and blah-blah-blah.
But today is a really sucky day.

And yes, I thank God still. Because now I will not take a good or even moderate day for granted.

The movie He's Just Not That Into You made me feel very depressed about life. We're so screwed. Today's women think WAY too much. The men, are just JERKS, except the gays and <1% of the straight guys. It's so disturbing. I don't think I want to watch that movie ever again. It's the first movie that makes me so depressed and insecure and shitty at the same time. It was initially funny, but it doesn't make up for the screwed-upness of the society.

Woe to those who created this movie.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How well do you know Diana?

I created that test out of curiosity. And boredom.

Actually, I wasn't expecting anyone to score well. In reality, other than your closest companion/s whom you hang out with 24/7, the rest of the people in your life probably know only about 1/3, at most 2/3 of your life. It's this habit (not sure if you call this a habit) of telling different people different aspects of your life. You hardly get the time/patience to tell one person EVERYTHING.

Seeing the results Audrey and Ruperto got kinda made me laugh, in a bittersweet way. I don't blame them, of course. Why would I bother sharing such superficial information, like the name of my toy-duck? Probably only a handful know the actual name; they include the person who gave me the duck, and myself. Wayne probably forgot about it too. HAHA.

Anyway, I think I'm rambling in a slightly emo mood because of the song I'm listening to. Brook Fraser always gets the extreme emo out of me.

Soon. I can't imagine what it'll be like though. Meeting Him face to face. Getting the end-results of THE examination that matters the most. SHIKES.

On a lighter note!
I'm 3 weeks away from the holiday trip. OMG. This is even more exciting than last year!!!

But if the H1N1 situation doesn't improve, I'll be quarantined in a costa sands chalet for a week after returning. HAHA. It'll be quite odd and extremely awkward living with other strangers who may actually contain the H1N1 virus. Please pray that the H1N1 thingy doesn't worsen. I hate being contained. Although the idea of being stuck in a chalet with a couple of other people seems experimentally interesting. Like a reality-show. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The success test

Oswald Chambers wrote that the most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity.

I've always thought adversity was the worst situation any human being survives from.

"For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. "
Romans 12:3

Rulin sent an email and asked if I can help out in the Youth Camp as an asst. camp comm. It felt pretty exciting actually. Like. WOW. I can help out. I wanna help out!!!

Then I started thinking about my grades. Worked harder the last 2 semesters to improve my CAP. And THEN I thought about how extra commitments may jeopardise my efforts to maintain/improve my CAP this coming semester. There, for a moment, I thought my better-improved grades were from my human efforts.

Forgive me, God. I know it's a miracle from You. How else would a lousy-at-maths girl like me score well in measurements, especially when I thought I was going to flunk it. I really really hope You'll bless me again this semester. A rather childish/selfish prayer. But yeah.

Right now, I'm in this phase, "Am I listening to God right? Or is it just my stupid brain thinking stupid thoughts?"
Sigh. I used to be able to differentiate. Now it's just a big fat mess.

I think it's time to level up. See Audrey, now magikarp gotta try leveling up. And magikarps take freakin' long to level up because of their useless moves. BLARGH. WHY GIVE ME MAGIKARP. Stupid magiKRAP. At least title me some other pokemon which actually levels up by having some useful moves. My fish jump move is like. SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY useless.

Okay, think I digressed too much. Will stop blabbing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hammies in the wild.

One of the many things hamsters in the wild do.
Actually. I'm not even sure if they're hamsters. I just think they look like hamsters.

Wayne and I are contemplating getting a pair of hammies. After the hol trip. Which is also the time when the 2 irritating cousins who indirectly killed Muffin start school again. They won't be around this time to indirectly murder the two new ones.

I miss Muffin though. SIGH. Stewpid cousins.
And I miss my stupid dugong.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Was just looking through some pictures my ex-classmate took when she was on a holiday in Korea. I am utterly jealous. Hopefully I can go there next year, or after my graduation. Awesome weather. And complicated language.

We thought we should learn basic Hangul. So we can be like our parents. Wayne's parents use German to 'bitch' about him in front of him. Mine use Bahasa to do the same. So. We'll speak Hangul. Which only Wayne's mom understands slightly. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice.

As I've told many, I feel extremely unproductive. But I get jitters thinking about interning in a church. I like the idea of it, honestly. But when I'm approached to talk about the topic, I feel hesitant.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank you God!!!!

Yay. My results were way better than I expected. :):):)

Miracle, definitely. Haha.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I think God has put me in this state of unproductivity for a reason.

Haha. And I actually thought He said no to the special term because I was supposed to do something more exciting. It went the opposite way. As usual.

Not that I'm complaining. :)
It's been awhile since I've gotten a break like this. Absolutely nothing to do. Other than church activities and planning.

(Been eating too much. Heh.)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Isaiah 48:17

It's really AWESOME to see how God presents things in life.

I just had a huge mental anxiety fit about not doing enough for revision and not being able to do well. Justifiable, since I've been watching quite a bit of TV. And waking up really late everyday. Tried to pray to calm myself down, but I think some evil thingy tried to put me down.

But anyway. Got myself to pray seriously, with head bowed down and sitting in a respectful way. It really does put you into the right state of mind. To be humble before Him, as a child.

I know it may sound all-too-spiritual. But it's amazing how things worked out.
I prayed, and I asked for:
A sign
More faith
People to be able to see Him through me (like, me, a silly blah, and I could still get pretty decent grades. Honestly, I got really pretty decent grades this semester. For tests and all.)

Less than a minute later, I read this email (from Prime Time With God). And it talked about faith. About how God uses the weak to shame the strong. About how we should take leaps of faith and trust that whatever He tells us to do is for the best. And the Isaiah 48:17 verse.

I think I sound crazy. But it's honestly a faith booster. You, the reader, may not even understand what the heck I'm talking about. I just pray and hope that really soon, you'll experience something so magnificent that you'll actually know what it feels like.

Then you'll know that my God is real.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Another thing that got me excited about the trip!

The service apartments peeps replied. WOOOOO.
I'm pumped! Ready to pack up and GO!

Then again. Looking at the construction technology textbook beside me.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank You for being You.

Simple yet powerful.
God is wonderful. :)

Today at youth service, I found myself behaving differently on-stage. I would NEVER act the way I did with 80 people looking at me. Gosh. Totally God's work man. And I started blabbering some blabberish at the end. Speaking in tongues. At a rapid speed. Wasn't even sure what I said. But hey, if God was around, that's the most important thing. :)

My arm's skin problem is returning to haunt me yet again. But heck. Not going to let it affect me this time.

As much as I look forward to the holidays and all, I really hope I do well for the semester. The semester started out great, got a lil slip-up when I fell sick, then the momentum got going again. And I'm doing pretty well I think. Just really hoping and praying that I'll work harder these 2 weeks before the exams.

I've already come up with a list of to-dos for the holidays. Haha!
  1. Hopefully get the research project job and/or internship for some refurbishment green project and earn more ka-ching for my holidays to Australia and possibly to Bintan.
  2. Play more squash. Exercise more, to be general.
  3. Plan a CG retreat. :):):):):):) Excites.
  4. Get more sleep.
  5. Have salmon sashimi party with the peeps from TWW. It's been ages since I've seen them.
  6. Write a song or two. And start reading the Songs of God book.
Exciting summer ahead. :):):) WOOHOO!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm back!

Not that I went anywhere.
But life's been rather hectic. And tiring. But exciting. :) Haha.

Anyway, the CSmusic guys have posted the music videos of the showcase on youtube and the csmucic website. Go check it out!

School's crazy and stressful and tiring. I can't wait for the summer holidays to start. Which is in about 3-4 weeks I think. Awesome.

Many many many many many many things happened over the past couple of weeks.
Loads of good stuff. A pretty load of bad stuff too. But heck. I can see God's protection and guidance. He assured me that I'll do okay this semester. Now I just got to put my focus and discipline on revision. After all the stupid deadlines are over. Haha.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pray. Fast. Ask. Praise.

He said no.
I cannot take on a module during Special sem part I.

I wonder if there's something more important for me to do.
Hopefully I'm listening right.
Leap of faith.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Awesome worship!

At youth service. Not because we had 2 electric guitarists. But yeah, it felt different. I'm SO happy Janice said that. Yay.

Not that I doubted what God said to me. It's just this unbelief in myself. And the fact that I don't really like loud music in the past. Now I've a whole band blasting at me. And I have to sing. And show hand-signals. And truly worship. Honestly, it's difficult.

BUT. That's where God's strength comes in. When He's around, things definitely get different and exhilarating. Awesome experience. :)

America's Next Top Model Cycle 12's out! Woohoo. AND. There's a christian preacher girl as one of the contestants. Who hopes to send Jesus' love to the modelling world. How cool is that. :):):) And she's pretty.

Week 9 in school coming up!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 8.

Nooooooo. It's already week 8!
Oh noooooooooooo...

A new week commences. After a long saturated weekend of God-ness.
And I'm quite excited about this coming Sunday. New band set-up.
Okay, maybe not NEW new. But for the first time, no keyboardist. Full-on electric guitar stuff. :)

I think the new song I did sounds cheesy. Blah.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ooooh noooo.


I think I got my hair cut wrongly. Maybe that's why I look like a mushroom head AGAIN.
I gotta get a fringe! AH.

But whatever it is, the hairwash was good. :) Super relaxing, especially after a stressful time at school.

Okay, note to self. Get a fringe next time. A sloping fringe.

ANYWAY. I'm kinda getting the school momentum again. Which is a terrifically good thing. So yup, can't wait to finish this sem. And probably do a module during special term 1. And get a job to earn my moola to spend in Australia.

Some good things that have happened this week.
Tickets to/from Sydney are booked, just need the promotion prices to be released in April, so we can pay up.
We're probably taking A380 to/from Sydney. So cool!
My haemoglobin count is on the borderline now, which is awesome. Which means, I don't need to take any more medication. Have been taking so much of them the last 2 months, I'm sick of seeing them.

Yay. Thank You God.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Trusting that God has a plan and time for everything.
It's quite a hard thing to do, I shamefully admit.
I always say it to myself. And I've always believed that I had faith.
But today, I've put myself in this mega test of faith, patience, tolerance and self-control.

I will pass this test. Because He'll give me a super duper solution. I don't know what it is. But yeah. That's called faith I think.

Was talking to Wayne the other night, and I realised that I can't like, quote Bible verses off-hand like some zai people. Haha. I always fail in the read-Bible-regularly-and-remember-important-verses department. Heh.

Time to put my flowery-designed Bible to good use. Every morning in the train.

For now, I've only this.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16.
I would slap myself if I don't even remember that verse.
Fortunately I do.

Okay, back to lunch. And work. :)

HTC Dream.

My dream phone.

Ever since Wayne got his HTC 3G.
It's thick. But I still think it's super cool.

And my Samsung died-ed on me two weeks ago. AND I'm using Wayne's aunt's spare phone. AND I dropped it once. Like, flat on the ground. Fortunately the screen didn't get scratched (THANK YOU GOD). But I think the sides are abit dented. OH NOOOOOO.

I'm so stressed. The last thing I need right now, is buying a new phone for the aunt because I damaged her spare phone.

I need MY own phone. NOW. Or really soon.
It really feels horrid having to worry about the phone's welfare because it's someone else's. And the stress adds on when the owner of that phone is your boyfriend's relative.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Judas Test

Another cool devotional entry from the cool Prime Time With God. I love the title. Like, PRIME TIME NEWS. Red alert red alert.
Alright. Straying off. Getting back to the main point.

"If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God" (Ps. 55:12-14).

Betrayal is one of the most difficult tests that we will ever face because it involves being wounded by someone we trust. It's hard not to become bitter when a friend or family member wounds us. It takes a lot of Christ-like grace to forgive a traitor.

You have probably faced the Judas Test yourself. Everyday you and I work in a marketplace that is rife with betrayal, deception, duplicity, and treachery. Perhaps you have been betrayed by your boss or a coworker. Or perhaps somebody betrayed a confidence or stabbed you in the back. It may have even been someone you've gone to church with or prayed with - someone you trusted as a brother in Christ.

The Judas kiss stings worse than a slap across the face. Almost every leader I know has experienced that sting at one time or another. Yet God is watching to see how we respond to the Judas Test. If we pass the test, He can then take us to the next level, the next test. If we fail, we'll probably have to repeat the test until we learn to forgive.

The Judas Test is God's graduate level course in faith, designed to reveal the truth about ourselves: Are we willing to trust Him enough to forgive the Judases in our lives? The book of Hebrews warns, "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many" (Heb 12:15). When we refuse to forgive we risk infecting others with a "bitter root" of resentment.

Dear God, please help me to forgive.
And to seek forgiveness if necessary.
Most importantly, I pray that you grant me wisdom and love and patience and logic. So I won't piss people off in the first place.

A whole new week to become a better person for God. Gambatei!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let go and let God.

How hard it is to do that really.
I cannot stand the possibility of not being able to go learn more at the conference.
I've put in so much effort to plan beforehand.
And I will do anything (morally upright) to go.

But yes, God's right. Honour your parents.
BUT I still hope somehow God speaks to them and make them wake up their idea.

Anyway. I just realised Joey's back in Melbourne. I didn't even meet up with her for lunch. :(:(:( I feel bad. Sorry Joey.

And recess week didn't feel like a recess week. No break. Just project meetings and work and more project meetings. I seriously hope I do well this semester. Despite the slight hiccup (the period of sickness). Man, I was getting the momentum. Now I gotta start the engine running again.

Supper at Blk 85 was gooooooood. But I think I should stop supper-ing before I start putting on weight again. Haha!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

He is definitely not a man of God.

The reason why I don't feel safe at home. I knew it. He is not right. There's something wrong with him.

Right now, I'm on the verge of a war with them. I just don't understand why it has to come to this.

"Since you can't find anyone from church to go with you to Hillsong Conference, your dad said that you can't go for Hillsong... No big deal, I'll just pay you back for the ticket."

And here I am, really believing their promise that if I save up myself I can go for the Hillsong Conference. They broke their promise. Yet again. I am utterly crushed and disappointed.

HE just comes up with countless STUPID reasons to stop me from going to the conference. And SHE tells me only after months of planning, despite my constant information updates.

They don't know me. They don't trust me.
It's not about gaining trust. Because I will never get it. Because I don't deserve it.
And thus, I know this. That they don't love me.

Don't say that I'm just being childish. Because you don't know them for who they really are. Their home and church behaviour are like the north and south poles. So don't ever tell me that I need to gain their trust. I have tried. My hardest. It's their problem now. No matter how much I try to improve, they will never get it.

My parents don't know me.
Even when I am turning 22.
Even when I try to be filial or neutral at least, with him.

Please get me out of this God. Just send me to Zimbabwe or Africa or something. Send me away from the family of denial.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy birthday Wayno bueno!

It's recess week.

Time to catch up with school work!

Anyway, it was awesome having Ps Matt Fielder in CMC. Awesome sermon.

Can't wait for July. Muahahahahahahahahaha!
It's just brain-wrecking to figure out accomodation. If De Xin and her friend are going to Melbourne as well, then it should be more convenient. It's hard to find accomodation if only Wayne and I are going alone. Like, staying in separate houses. Then we have to set a time to meet every single morning for a week. So weird. Not even sure how it's going to work, if the people over there are having holidays.

Ah heck. I'm sure God has a good plan at the end. I'll just get this semester over and done with first. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me do well, God.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My stomach is healed!

The night I prayed at Uncle Peter's clinic.

"... If I'm healed, I'll go. And stand in front of the people during Healing service. And tell them you healed me..."

I was suddenly so confident about being healed and going up on-stage to talk it out for God.

Thinking about it now. OMG. Gives me the jitters.

Anyway. I've a low haemoglobin count. Which explains my pale skin complexion. Nothing to do with "you haven't been resting enough...".

AH HA! It's not about resting. It's about malnutrition. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I must eat more meat.
Gimme meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


Monday, February 9, 2009

My stomach's killing me.

Think I ate too much junk/fast food during the childhood period.
Or maybe it's because I hardly exercise these days.

Darn man. Something's majorly wrong with my stomach.
I think. I'm going to be like those people (usually powerful CEOs and whatever people) seen in Channel 8 drama series, who initially 'clutch' their stomachs with a slightly pained expression, then it gradually becomes so serious that they die from stomach cancer or something. All because of stress. Of some other simple reason like over-tiredness.

Dying from stomach cancer is not a good way to leave the world. That's my conclusion of the day.

Alright back to work.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Projects projects projects.

Now that they're more realistic, they're more interesting. And fun.

But I think the lecturers we have this semester are quite weird. It's an assorted variety. Haha.
Must say that I'm finally beginning to understand why we learn the things we learn. It's funny how I observe construction sites more these days. And to name all the things on-site, most of them for now, makes me feel professional. HAHAHAHA.

Jokes aside, I can actually see myself doing this kinda stuff. And thank goodness, I'm not going to work as a bulb-fixer. I can choose to manage people who fix and install lighting, not bulbs, and that's just one of the many things they've to do. Under the area called Facilities Management.

This is meant to rub back into the many faces of people who made fun of my course. Haha.

Most importantly, I thank God for my rejected business degree applications. I've come a pretty long way. Still got miles to go. :) Exciting.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I think I just lost a friend. Because of some misunderstanding. And a series of events earlier. Sigh.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Odd day.

Something irritating and something amazing happened yesterday. As in Sunday.
Nevertheless. I still thank Him. Especially for the amazing thing. It's like. WOW.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heal over.

I wish I had the zai vocal ability to sing this song.

I just read one of the most interesting Prime Time With God articles.
Jesus came down to earth as a man. Like duh.
He was only able to perform miracles because of His intimate relationship with God. Because he's on earth as a man. Not God.
That means. We should be able to attain that kind of zai standard too.
Jesus set the bar really really really high.

And it was a massively huge reality check for me. Was in the Downtown East Cathay cinema watching Underworld (Rise of The Lycans) and I suddenly thought about the devotion again. Like, what the heck was I doing in the cinema watching a movie for almost 2 hours, when I can actually use the time to do some good stuff for God?!?!?!
Yes it was a little extreme. But yeah, like I said, that devotion was a reality check. Haha.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy CNY!

It's a crazy crazy world out there!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank You God.

Apparently I had bacterial infection as well. Hwah.

I'm soooooooooooooooooooo happy that I'm feeling better now. At least I can enjoy CNY.

Went for last-minute shopping the last two days. Thank you, Wayne, for being ever so patient and excited about shopping. Unlike the other guys we see around at the shopping places. Quite funny actually. Heh.

Shopping this time was a pain, SO MANY people. Luckily I got 2 new tops to tide me over in CNY.
And a mani-pedi. Just that the mani was done quite last minute, since I was one of the last few clients; the ladies all looked so tired. Which explains why the mani turned out be a disaster. BUT, the pedi looks nice.

OMG. So excited. Somemore got mahjong night on wednesday. Shiok.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mahjong addict. But playing and eating with a buncha good friends. That feels fun. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This week has been the most trying week of my life, as of now.

Anyway, the fever turned out to be like a symptom of a viral infection in my body. That explains the nausea and bloated-ness as well. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to thank God for His patience and tolerance with my neurotic and grumpy attitude.

I wished I was like Job. Haha. But anyway. I'm glad I'm recovering. And I want to thank God (again) for letting me feel well after tuition tomorrow. Was begging him to let me feel well for the steamboat gathering. Would've just gone home if the condition didn't improve.

The sickness was just the tip of the ice-berg. But the tip was humongously huge. Other irritating things came into place, like one after another. But THANK GOD.

On a happier note. It's the 1st week of school, and I've met many many TWW friends yesterday. Like randomly. Just by sitting at the arts canteen. It was definitely nice to see them again. It's times like these that I wish I wasn't sick and I dressed better. Haha. Sick people can't dress well. They can't be bothered. And I had to meet half a million of friends from different social circles. They couldn't recognise me, in that state. Dammit. When I dress a little better, I don't bump into anyone. Okay, I'm gonna quit whining. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Thank you God for keeping me safe. Thought I was gonna die from extreme pain or burst like over-pressured balloon or a million other ways I thought I could die from.

There's this really nice summer programme offered to Yr 1-2 students at Yale. And it ends on the 3rd of July. Before Hillsong Conference. It always kills me to see all the summer programmes and stuff which clashes with Hillsong Conference. Like this other programme offered in Mexico. But there're three problems I have with this Yale thing.
1. Need to pay at least S$2000. (WHAT THE WHAT. Then again. It's Yale.)
2. Write a thousand word essay about why you want to pursue this Yale programme, in regards to Politics, Human Relations or yada yada yada.
3. Application deadline is 19 January. OMG. Why didn't I read the bloody school mail earlier. Right, I was sick. And looking at the laptop made me feel sicker. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Okay! That's the end of the update of my very eventful week. VERY eventful week.
I am feeling better by the way. Just that I shiver very often these days. Like this morning. Couldn't go for tuition. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. NO KA-CHING. Not that I was lazy. I was literally shivering so vigorously. My fingertips and soles felt so (*&^(*%*&^%$ cold, but the rest of my body felt like it was on fire. Felt like I was going through withdrawal symptoms. But I'm not taking drugs. Other than the stupid nausea medicine THAT DID NOT HELP and the panadol to control my headaches and body temperature.

Okay, this is the end.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boundaries of dating.

Currently reading this book about dating boundaries. Only read the first chapter, but it's awesomely interesting. Whether you have read Joshua Harris' I Kissed Dating Goodbye or not, you should consider checking out this read. What I found quite amusing is that the writers challenged the notion of discouraging teens to date.

I just can't believe how I slugged and munched away at home the whole day.
Okay, need to sleep. Headache's killing me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Alright, a lil late. But hey, it's the 6th of Jan. And we're 21 days away from CNY.

With all the chinese techno music going on everywhere, including westernised Cold Storage, it's hard to ignore that the whole period of red and ching-chang-chong is around the corner. CNY isn't so bad for me. I'm not forced to wear red. And my relatives don't ask me stupid questions, other than the "Did you put on weight?" question.

Recently, I helped out in baking the goodies this year. Aunt May sells treats like almond cookies and pineapple tarts. And they're pretty good.

Anyway. School's starting in a week. Pretty excited. Get the semester over and done with. Get good grades. Get ready for Australia. YAY. :):):):)